3 Beginner Tips and Tricks for Movement and Shooting in Valorant

If you’ve just started playing Valorant, your aim must be shaky, and you wouldn’t have gotten used to the map either, which means you don’t ace movement either. So here’s an article that will help you with both: movement and shooting in Valorant. Keep reading to know some unique tips and tricks that will make […]

3 Beginner Tips and Tricks for Movement and Shooting in Valorant

If you’ve just started playing Valorant, your aim must be shaky, and you wouldn’t have gotten used to the map either, which means you don’t ace movement either.

So here’s an article that will help you with both: movement and shooting in Valorant. Keep reading to know some unique tips and tricks that will make your movements smoother and your gunplay deadly.

Why Movement and Shooting Are Important in Valorant?

We all know shooting is vital because you need to kill your opponents. But why do you need to be tactful while doing so?

Precise shooting and gunplay help you kill opponents in one swipe. Instead of engaging in long battles where you can die before you kill, you have a better chance of improving your kill death ratio.

Also, Valorant is a game where 7,000,000 to 1400000 join to kill every day. And many of them are experts who don’t need to look at their screen twice to know where to go. If you ever hope to take them on, you also need accurate movements that hit them unexpectedly.

Tips for Acing Movement in Valorant

The correct movements in any Valorant battle are critical to a successful match. Check out the following movement tips to improve yours as you’re beginning to learn the game.

1.  Trick Your Opponents While Running

If you’re running from an opponent and it’s a close call, you need to trick them. The key to doing that is keeping your movements as haphazard as possible.

For example, if you run in a straight line, an expert opponent will know exactly where you’re going. They’ll shoot at you constantly, and you’ll be dead in no time.

A good strategy here is to make your opponent think you’ll be running in a particular direction and then change your direction suddenly. For example, you could run towards a corner, baiting your opponent into thinking you are losing cover. And just as they start shooting, run back into the cover and focus on strategic aiming.

Also, when running, move left and right constantly and haphazardly so that your opponent has a hard time aiming.

2.  Choose Agents That Have an Advantage of Movement

Some of the agents in Valorant have a significant advantage when it comes to movement. That’s because they have exceptional movement capabilities. For example, the agent Jett has Updrift and Tailwind, Omen has Shrouded Step and From the Shadows, and others like Black Past, Sage, and Yoru have their own.

Before choosing your agent, make sure their movement powers align with your gaming strategy. You should learn the movement powers thoroughly and practice them beforehand.

3.  Learn to Sneak and Surprise Opponents

This is one of the best Valorant cheats for movement. If you do this well, you’ll catch your opponent off guard even during an intense battle. Here’s the tip: learn to walk instead of running.

When you walk, your opponent can’t hear your footsteps. Yes, your speed reduces, but your chances of being out of the line of fire are also greater.

Press the shift key to sneak up slowly behind your opponent when they’re busy looking for you or hiding somewhere. As they’ll be surprised to see you, you can aim and take a direct headshot against them.

Tips for Acing Shooting in Valorant

If you’re looking to improve your kill-death ratio in Valorant, one thing you absolutely can’t afford is, having a lousy aim. Here are some tips to help you improve your aim and shooting in the game.

1.  Practice Good Crosshair Placement

Crosshair placement is all about keeping your gun in the proper position before encountering an opponent. As a beginner, you might often shoot at the ground or in the air during battle. And by the time you get your aim right, a good opponent will already have taken a shot at you.

So adjust your gun such that it aims at the right head height. Then, when you come across an opponent, simply move in front of them and shoot. Doing this will require extensive practice and patience. But hey, what game doesn’t require that?

2.  Try the Range Map Practice Feature

You can read many Valorant guides and shooting tips online. And you can watch your favorite gamers kill ruthlessly in streams. But none of that will prepare you for the real thing as amazingly as a practice match will.

Valorant allows you to practice in the Range Map to better your aim and learn the basics of shooting. Here, you can explore different weapons and agents. You can quickly familiarize yourself with every specialty each agent and gun bring to the table. Moreover, you can also practice special skills like one-tap shots and counter-strafing.

3.  Being Still is The Way to Go

If you’ve played other shooter games like Call of Duty before, you must be used to firing quickly and while running. For such shooter games, the aim isn’t as important as quickness is. But things are completely opposite for Valorant.

In Valorant, being steady and shooting correctly will help you win easily. You need to make sure you find yourself some solid ground and aim down sight before shooting. Also, try to avoid shooting while running because doing so will only damage your aim. And instead of helping you improve, it’ll just get you some “chance kills.”

Win Away!

With the above three tricks for movement and the other 3 for shooting in Valorant, we’re confident you’ll have a much better time playing and winning. In either case, practice and dedication to your game strategy will perfect you. Have any more questions or tips that could help your fellow players? Feel free to comment on them down below!