4 days in Prague

I left Abuja for the Czech Republic on  a Thursday at about  1:00pm with a stopover in Istanbul, Turkey for about 4 hours before we reached Prague, the capital City of Czech Republic. The Country  is bordered by Germany to the west, Austria to the south, Slovakia to the east and Poland to the north.  […]

4 days in Prague

I left Abuja for the Czech Republic on  a Thursday at about  1:00pm with a stopover in Istanbul, Turkey for about 4 hours before we reached Prague, the capital City of Czech Republic. The Country  is bordered by Germany to the west, Austria to the south, Slovakia to the east and Poland to the north. 

Our program was to attend the official inauguration of the Global Youths Ambassador’s for 4 days, in Prague in early March, as global youth ambassador’s. 

In 2016 ,when I was invited to Indonesia for the global youth forum, the committee after careful observation and screening of the former participants, felt it’s time this year for Nigeria’s youths  to play the role of Ambassadorial position . 

Despite missing the flight from Abuja to Prague city at the initial time frame, to attend the meeting , I had spent only a  few days in Prague with  a series of meetings on how to solve issues among youths globally.  

Our tour with the  tour manager, Jitka Simkova  showed us the very best of Prague in a  tour of the city which took place at  night.

The following day  after our general Youths board meeting was over, we went  on tour on foot and used an  Uber transport  car  to get to  most corners of this wonderful city, and explored the entire city, especially  areas where bus and coach trips just can’t get to .We made sure that we didn’t miss any of the main attractions in the city.

My favourite city tour was when we explored the Prague castle after dark, walked  in the magical winding streets of the ‘New World’ as night descends upon the city, and heard the history  of legends, and how  scientists and magicians were  attracted  to Bohemia during the unique reign of Rudolf II, and how alchemy, magic and astronomy have played an important part in the history in Prague. Night fall  sees  the spectacular views the city has to offer ,from the largest castle complex in the world.

The  Sedlec Ossuary: a Church and cemetery decorated with bones from at least 40,000 bodies, is more famously known as the bone church. Some of the decorations include a chandelier made of bones and six enormous bone pyramids.  

Historically, many cities in Europe and some Asian countries, have experienced millions of couples who went on  romantic journey with their girlfriends to other cities ,other than theirs  to arrange for a love lock, sometimes known as a love padlock. This year I did not miss the iconic 14th century structure which is known as the Charles Bridge, in Prague, Czech Republic, which is  listed among the top 10  awesome Love Locks Locations from around the World. The Czech Republic became a member of the EU in 2004.  When you are in Charles Bridge you will understand the fascinating story, viewing the city far away with its beautiful terracotta roofs and Baroque architecture. From the lesser town,  we took one of Prague’s iconic trams to the top of the hill where Prague castle keeps watch on the city.Near the castle at the oldest vineyard ,we found stunning views across Prague.

I encountered many traveler’s, couples shared, and spent hours walking through the Charles Bridge, taking pictures, talking in low voices to each other.Who knows if they are talking about the things that couples do when they are set to plan how the future is ,and hopeful. May be about how  they will decorate and design their own home when they have a new baby, names of their children, and whether at the end they will bring out the padlock they bought to padlock their agreements.

I just love the city, everyone was busy, everyone walking on his own way, the bridge was over crowded with tourists from different countries.

Compared to many Western cities, Prague is relatively safe. You will generally find policemen very helpful. When I arrived at the Airport I went to a police officer to make inquiry about a taxi which he instantly assisted and took me to a taxi driver  who drove me down to my Hotel. Prague is not an intimidating city to walk around. 

Fear of crime when travelling is always on the mind of travellers.But in the City of Prague you will dispel the fear of crime, as with any other crime cities , violent crimes in the city centre are rare. 

Every traveller, frequently asked this question, where to look for help about  foreign exchange offices, knowing that exchanging money in the street never pays. Many travellers prefer to exchange their money in the airport on arrival or in the city  centre ,which is  more advantageous as they offer the best exchange rates. 

On my arrival I had some currency leftover from a recent trip to another country last year. I changed  the  money at the airport  which was very easy to do. I converted the money from dollars  to the  Czech money.

As a  traveller do not forget that the exchange rate for buying and selling must always be indicated in your transaction when buying items, ensure that you have your receipt as evidence for security reasons at the airport, or before you leave the country.After finishing your transactions always ask for a receipt in the Czech Republic.

The Taxi fare in Prague by some of the city’s taxi drivers has helped tourist to move easily without complaint.You can find out how much a journey will cost you to well known tourist sites.From a fixed point to the  Prague City centre, the starting payment of taxi fare are from CZK 40, while for a journey to within the territory of Prague, was CZK 28  per 1 km. 


Prague has  many historical traditional restaurants at the heart of  ancient Prague, where  they have smoked duck and turkey breast or vegetarian selection of Czech cheeses on a lettuce salad, garnished with slices of roasted red and yellow beets.We were served with fresh baked bread.  

Historical car Tour

With  2,500 CZK money or equivalent to 100 euro you can hire an old car for  60 minutes , or 5,000 CZK or 200 Euro for 120 minutes  for pick up and drop off upon your request.