5 keys to experiencing a turnaround

Rebekah’s Turning Point   Genesis 25:21-23, “And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. [22] And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of […]

5 keys to experiencing a turnaround
5 keys to experiencing a turnaround

Rebekah’s Turning Point


Genesis 25:21-23, “And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived. [22] And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the LORD. [23] And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.”

The dictionary defines a turning point as a time at which a decisive change in a situation occurs, especially one with beneficial results.

A turning point is a critical time in your life where big decisions could lead to big change, both in work and in life. Rebekah’s bad news was turned into good news.

God is about to turn your bad news into good news! He’s about to give you double for your trouble!

A few things strike one about Rebekah

1. She was chaste. Rebekah was a virgin-no man had known her.

2. Rebekah was busy for the house. She went to draw water for the house. She was a passionate worker. What are you doing for the house of God?

3. She was hospitable and generous.

4. God connected her to her husband. This is important.

5. She was a disciplined girl. When she met her husband for the first time, (v. 65) she took a veil and covered herself. I believe the wearing of a veil is significant. It says I am a hidden treasure, come and discover me. She did not throw herself on the man; she let the man probe her one layer at a time.

6. But she was barren. Rebekah was God’s choice for Isaac and Isaac was God’s choice for Rebekah. They had the smoothest wedding. They were faithful to each other. But they had a problem. They had no issue. The inability of Rebekah to conceive came from her husband’s family. They had a problem that affected their wives. Abraham’s wife Sarah had a problem. Even Abraham’s mother. Also, Isaac’s wife. Jacob’s love Rachael had issues with barrenness. The devil always tries to use the same problems in your family against you. There was a strongman perpetrating barrenness in their bloodline. Everyone has dark sports in their lives. That part that is painful and regrettable. She had love but she was unfruitful. She had money (wealth) but she was unfruitful, she was barren. Her life was miserable. Is there any one thing that has eluded you in life? What is that dark spot? Turn it to Jesus. Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth, etc. had problems but they held on to God. Nothing shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ. She was helpless but not hopeless.

Requirements for a Turnaround

1. When you get to your Breaking point. It takes a breaking point to have a turning point. Until you are fed up with the situation you are in, you may not do anything to change it. This is when you make radical decisions. Don’t break down, make a radical decision to have a breakthrough. Rachael Jacob’s wife, got to her breaking point. She said to Jacob in Genesis 30:1b, “Give me children, or else I die.” Patience is a good virtue, but it gets to a point when it is no longer profitable. This is the breaking point. The breaking point is usually also the turning point. This is when you draw a line in the sand and say this is how far I will allow this issue to go. She got to her elastic limit.

2. Turnaround prayers, strong prayer, warfare prayer, in the spirit. This is when you declare a season of prayer and fasting. Rebekah’s turning point came when Isaac entreated the Lord. Hannah’s turning point came when she poured her heart out unto God. It takes strong and persistent prayer in the spirit to have a positive turnaround.

3. Change. You have to change. God changed Jacob’s name to Israel. It’s symbolic. God has to change you for your turnaround. More money is not going to change bad habits. God has to first fix the broken bucket before pouring in more.

4. Radical Faith. The will to change, the courage to change! The woman with the issue of blood broke tradition to get to Jesus for her healing. Twelve years hemorrhaging was terminated! The friends of the paralytic tore through the roof to bring him before Jesus. That was radical faith.

5. Divine intervention. Change happens to those who take steps to change. There is an anointing for change. There is a turning point anointing. The woman with the issue of blood drew power from Jesus with a touch of faith. The yoke of infirmity was destroyed. There’s a turnaround anointing; get it and you will celebrate!

Her husband interceded for her. He did not blame her but prayed for her. May God surround you with people who will help you and lift you up in prayer at the time of need! He did not just pray; he entreated the Lord. He pleaded for her and God heard. I want you to know that God has heard and answered your prayer.

Their barrenness came to an end. God doesn’t get involved in what you can fix. Truth is, I learnt I can’t fix everything. There are times you feel helpless. There will be impossibilities. But what is impossible with man is possible with God. I shifted from self- dependence to God-dependence.

She made it. The woman with the issue of blood made it. She was weak after many years of bleeding and losing blood, after many years of losing money. She lost blood but she did not lose hope.

Can you identify one problem running in your family? Let us bring it to the Lord in prayer. Be specific and the Lord will deal with it. If you have two issues, write them down and take it to God in prayer. If it’s more than that, write them down.

All those who were severally tempted and tested received miracles that shook the world. Sarah delivered Isaac, Rebekah delivered Jacob, Hannah delivered Samuel and Elizabeth delivered John the Baptist. From your barren womb will come the president of this nation, a prophet to the nations, the next Bill Gate. I decree and declare that a huge financial empire shall come out from your dry business, in the Name of Jesus!

I have brought a word for all those who’ve had enough. Enough of poverty, enough of pain. This is your turning point. Get ready for an amazing miracle, in the Name of Jesus!! Receive a turnaround anointing right now, in Jesus Name!

Bishop Dr Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l.