5 reasons Keyamo is working for Buhari”s re-election

1. Anti-corruption war  I can boldly say that no Government in the history of Nigeria has recovered so much looted funds as that of President Muhammadu Buhari. The fact that this Government has clearly chosen this path in protecting the masses of our country (as unpleasant as it has been to some) is one of […]

5 reasons Keyamo is working for Buhari”s re-election

1. Anti-corruption war 

I can boldly say that no Government in the history of Nigeria has recovered so much looted funds as that of President Muhammadu Buhari. The fact that this Government has clearly chosen this path in protecting the masses of our country (as unpleasant as it has been to some) is one of the many reasons why I am so proud and bold about my support for the re-election bid of President Muhammadu Buhari.

In doing this, I take a cue from my revered late boss, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, SAN who mentored me. Throughout his career, he also consistently and fiercely engaged every government in Nigeria and suffered as a result. Guess what? THE ONLY GOVERNMENT HE FULLY SUPPORTED THROUGHOUT HIS LIFETIME was that led by General Muhammdu Buhari in 1984 – 1985; and that was to the chagrin of some of his professional colleagues and fellow “radicals”. 

2. Improvement in the economy 

With the crash in oil prices just before 2015, the previous government resorted to borrowing to pay salaries and recklessly drew down on our foreign reserves, just to give the impression that all was well. So much unearned money was also circulating in the country amongst a few, giving the false impression that we were in a buoyant economy. However, the economy was headed for a crash. All the indices show that the slip into recession started shortly before this government took over, like the car which engine was already over-heating.

The attempt by a few to deceive the people that all was well with us before this government took over, is one of the reasons some of us have decided to come out of our shells to put a hole in that false narrative. It is simply a big lie. I am persuaded that the Buhari Government took the right measures to halt a bigger disaster awaiting our economy had it been otherwise. Those who are persuaded otherwise are within their legitimate right to do so. We are all patriots, trying to find the right answers to our problems as a nation. However, if you are persuaded otherwise, kindly state in details what exactly should have been done to run the economy better, given the crash in oil prices and production that dropped to around 700,000 barrels per day. Surely, discerning Nigerians would no longer buy the fable of “Buhari destroyed our economy”.

3. Age and health not a barrier

There has also been much attempt to de-market the President using his age and health as pummeling tools, and as such raising the decibel in the clarion call for a young or younger President. Firstly, on the issues of age and health, it would be ungodly and outrageous for a mere mortal to assume the status of God Almighty to speculate on the longevity or strength of any human being. Even doctors have been proven wrong on so many occasions. It is a matter entirely in the hands of God. Our past Presidents that died in office (Abacha and Yar’Adua) were in their prime. In fact, Abacha did not even show any sign of a failing health before he slumped and died. In Zimbabwe, the main opposition candidate for years, Morgan Tsvangirai used the issue of age and health to campaign against President Mugabe, urging him to go and retire and rest. Yet, just a few weeks ago, Morgan Tsvangirai died at the age of 65 and Mugabe is still alive and kicking at the age of 94. Those are the mysterious ways of God Almighty. No human being should even use that as a campaign gimmick. That person would be courting the wrath of God Almighty.

4. You do not abandon a ship mid-way 

My message to all those teeming supporters who did it in 2015 for our President is that you do not abandon a ship with which you set sail midway. Our race is not a 100-meter dash. It is a marathon race to rescue our country. We are almost there. When we turn the corner in 2019, you will see the tape at the finishing line. We must not run out of breaths. We believed in 2015. We must keep that belief alive. The hallmark of true supporters is to stand firm in times of storm and in times of calm. The storm is almost over. The President has battled to take control of the steering wheel of the nation and we are on course.

Do not let the naysayers bully you whether in real life or in cyberspaces. When they run out of arguments, they resort to abuses. If they abuse you, see them as patriots, but misguided ones; if they attack you, see them as patriots, but misguided ones; if they call you unprintable names, see them as passionate patriots, but misguided ones. Do not retaliate. With time, especially when majority of votes wipe out their minority opinions in 2019, they will come round to you and acknowledge your vision. So, hold your own and keep your heads up.

5. To present the facts

For us, this race is never a do-or-die affair. We shall present the facts as we see them and let Nigerians decide. We do not have to hire Cambridge Analytica to scare the electorate. They are already sufficiently scared by the humongous corruption that took place under the watch of the last government; the electorate are already sufficiently scared by those who are apologizing just to sneak their way back to power; the electorate are also sufficiently scared by the tons of cash buried in graveyards, farm houses, luxury flats in Ikoyi, in Yachts in the High Seas and those used to buy real estate strewn all over the world.

Nigerians know from where their problems came. They know it is not President Buhari. They know it came from some of those battling tooth and nail to displace him. Those who are persuaded by us should not remain aloof, please. Kindly join us in this journey.