6 ways to protect yourself from coronavirus

Coronaviruses have been around for a long time. What’s new about this infection that’s emerged from China is that it is the first time this particular strain of the virus has been found in humans. That’s why it is called “novel” because there isn’t a name for it yet . It is simply called nCOV2019—shorthand […]

6 ways to protect yourself from coronavirus

Coronaviruses have been around for a long time. What’s new about this infection that’s emerged from China is that it is the first time this particular strain of the virus has been found in humans. That’s why it is called “novel” because there isn’t a name for it yet .

It is simply called nCOV2019—shorthand for novel coronavirus of 2019. It is causing alarm but there are simple things you can do to protect yourself from contracting it, according to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control’s advisory.

• Wash your hands regularly with soap under running water.

• Cover your mouth and nose properly with handkerchief or tissue paper when sneezing and/or coughing. You may also cough into your elbow if a handkerchief is not available.

• Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.

• Avoid self-medication, report to the nearest health facility when you experience any of the above-mentioned symptoms.

• Healthcare workers are always advised to observe standard infection prevention and control measures when attending to patients and take a travel history.

• Travellers from China who show no symptoms on arrival, but who have a fever and cough within 14 days of arrival in Nigeria, should contact the NCDC on 0800-970000-10.