62,794 security personnel to secure Ghana election

Ghana’s Police Inspector-General James Oppong-Boanuh said that 62,794 security personnel will be deployed to secure the general election. He said personnel will be drawn from the police service, military, fire service, prison service, immigration service, customs service, and the Bureau of National Investigations, he said. The National Election Security Task Force (NESTIF) is working in […]

62,794 security personnel to secure Ghana election

Ghana’s Police Inspector-General James Oppong-Boanuh said that 62,794 security personnel will be deployed to secure the general election.

He said personnel will be drawn from the police service, military, fire service, prison service, immigration service, customs service, and the Bureau of National Investigations, he said.

The National Election Security Task Force (NESTIF) is working in consultation with the Electoral Commission and political parties to deploy the personnel, Oppong-Boanuh said.

The agencies forming the NESTIF “are equipped and ready to do the job, and I am satisfied that we are ready,” said the inspector-general, who heads the task force.

Oppong-Boanuh warned that the task force would not spare anyone who foments trouble during the election process.

There will be 33,367 polling centers and 275 collation centers at play when Ghanaians go to the polls in December to elect a president and 275 members of parliament.

The task force would deploy armed personnel at these centers and place patrol, rapid response, and standby forces at vantage points to provide swift action when needed, Oppong-Boanuh said.

“We have identified 6,178 hot spots across the country, and we will have… patrols and standby forces in these areas to prevent any mishap,” he said.

Ghana experienced violence during voter registration in June-August when supporters of political parties clashed at the registration centers across the country. Enditem.