67 arrested during gay wedding in Delta

The Delta State Police Command has arrested 67 persons suspected to be homosexuals during a same-sex wedding in Effurun, Uvwie Local Government Area of Delta State. The suspects were arrested at a hotel along Refinery Road Ekpan in Uvwie LGA. The state Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Bright Edafe, in a press briefing said, “On […]

67 arrested during gay wedding in Delta

The Delta State Police Command has arrested 67 persons suspected to be homosexuals during a same-sex wedding in Effurun, Uvwie Local Government Area of Delta State.

The suspects were arrested at a hotel along Refinery Road Ekpan in Uvwie LGA.

The state Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Bright Edafe, in a press briefing said, “On the 27th Agust 2023 at about 100hour, a patrol team attached to the Ekpan Police Division where on patrol/visibility duty on Refinery Road, when the police intercepted one Mr Chucks Chiye who dressed like a female.

“Upon his arrest, he told the police that he’s an actor who came from Lagos State to produce a movie in Delta State.

“They brought him to the station and continued interrogating him before he gave a statement that he belongs to a gay society and that they were having a ceremony in an hotel called Tibolux Hotel at Refinery Road, Ekpan in Effurun Uvwie.”

The police, while parading the suspects, vowed to prosecute the suspects in line with Nigeria’s Anti-Gay Law which prohibits same-sex marriage in the country.

About 67 others were arrested at the venue of the wedding when a crack team of police operatives stormed the event last weekend.

The suspects were paraded by the police at the Ekpan Divisional Police Headquarters in Uvwie ahead of their arraignment.

The police also advised parents to take proper care of their children and monitor them to know what they do in society.