7 ways to have a memorable Ramadan

Ramadan is here and we all look forward to having a memorable one. The following are tips on having a truly memorable holy season.  1. Organise yourself: One of the most important tips before starting Ramadan is organization. One has to be organized to be able to have a memorable fasting period. The season brings […]

7 ways to have a memorable Ramadan
7 ways to have a memorable Ramadan

Ramadan is here and we all look forward to having a memorable one. The following are tips on having a truly memorable holy season. 

1. Organise yourself:

One of the most important tips before starting Ramadan is organization. One has to be organized to be able to have a memorable fasting period. The season brings about lifestyle adjustment all of which entails organization. Many would argue the Ramadan is meant to be simple, but whichever way we choose to observe it, we can’t leave out organization as being a big part of it. The key to having a successful one is to organize, plan and then execute. It may sound simple, but dedication is required. How can this be achieved? Make a list of all the goals you want to achieve, then ask yourself why, how and what steps you are willing to take to reach those set goals of yours.
2. Reflect and get closer to God:
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by life and forget that this month is essentially about renewing one’s personal connection with God. To be able to achieve one of your set goals for the month, it is necessary to set out some hours of a day to recite the Holy Qur’an. Ramadan is a period we all seek to make positive changes in our lives, presenting a great opportunity to fill your life with discipline and meaning. The best way to make the most out of it is to carry the lessons you’ve learnt from reading the Qur’an on a daily basis. A memorable Ramadan can’t be achieved without being closer to God.
3. Charity:
Charity is a big factor when it comes to Ramadan. One point to note is the way many seem to carry out charity in an extravagant way to show off . This is surely not the right way to go about giving charity. Every single good deed is multiplied innumerably during the holy month. Yes, you might give alms but have you thought of buying praying mats, kettles, new hijabs, Qur’ans and other things the mosque might need during this period? This is also charity and one reaps a lot of reward whenever someone uses any of those items. Charity is not only about giving money, but also kindness through actions. That should be a major point of focus this Ramadan, as it’s a win-win situation overall.
4. Whip-up tasty meals:
While Ramadan may mean extra attention to faith, it also means for many, time to showcase culinary skills, bringing about extra cooking for most of us. Making a menu for Iftar meals is one part many women tend to spend time on and that is a great thing, as it always is what everyone in the family looks forward to. It is advisable to cook meals which are easy to put-together, and well-presented. And by the way, husbands and brothers, helping out with cooking or cleaning was a practice of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
5. Arrange Iftaar Dinners:
During Ramadan it is quite common that Muslims invite other Muslims to Iftaar dinners where all friends and family sit together and break the fast. Such occasions are highly looked forward by the children as they get to meet other children from various families. Thus, by arranging Iftaar dinners, the children get to celebrate their happiness in the same way as elders do. This year, open your doors. There is blessing in feeding a fasting person other than yourself and your family. It’s more fun when you invite a non-Muslim family, after all the whole essence of Ramadan feast is to show love, so why not let it go round? You might also want to go the extra mile by going to one of the IDP camps around you to arrange Iftaar meals for them.
6. Have a Ramadan Journal:
Another thing that Muslim mothers can do to make Ramadan fun, is to have and keep a Ramadan journal in which daily experiences and feelings regarding fasting are recorded. This way, the journal can help revive wonderful memories about fast when it is read at the end of the holy month. The journals are also a good way to catalogue memorable events.  
7. Plan your Eid celebration:
With the start of Ramadan, another thing that many look forward to is the Eid celebration. Children want this joyful occasion to be memorable for them, surprisingly, adults too! Towards the last ten days of Ramadan parents are under pressure from children to shop for clothes and other goodies. Planning well ahead for last-minute shopping will go a long way in saving one a lot of stress. Speaking of IDPs earlier, having an Eid celebration for them wouldn’t be a bad idea. Also, if you can afford it, buy nice clothes and gift them to a poor family.