8 ways to make the most of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is one that starts with a lot of expectations. Many believe the month is all about various delicacies eaten at the break of fast, but it is much more than that. Here, we present some ways we can all make the most of this most holy month, while it lasts. Reading […]

8 ways to make the most of Ramadan
8 ways to make the most of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is one that starts with a lot of expectations. Many believe the month is all about various delicacies eaten at the break of fast, but it is much more than that. Here, we present some ways we can all make the most of this most holy month, while it lasts.

Reading the Holy Quran:
The month of Ramadan is a time when we should all reflect and get closer to our creator. It is a time we should pause and reflect on His mercy in our lives. Many observe the fast of Ramadan as a routine, forgetting it’s more than just a routine but an opportunity for a turning point in our lives. In getting closer to God, we can’t do without reading the Holy Qur’an and the month of Ramadan is one perfect opportunity.
Completion of the Holy Qur’an can be achieved if one’s reading schedule is well-planned out and meticulously followed. Reading the Holy Qur’an this season doesn’t only get you closer to God, but garners you blessings and rewards in abundance.

This is another way to make the most of this season. The word Tafsir is derived from the Arabic word Fasara, which literally means to lift the curtain, to make clear, to show the objective, and hence by analogy Tafsir is the body of knowledge which aims to make clear the true meaning of the Qur’an, its injunctions and the occasions of its revelation.
Attending Tafsir will help in a lot of ways in making one understand some misconceptions about the religion and it gives one the opportunity to ask questions that have been on one’s mind. Tafsir is one way one can expand knowledge in Islam and there is no better time to dedicate time to Islam than now.

Visiting the sick:
A visit to a hospital will not only show one the bounties of Allah’s favour in our lives but will also make one realize that we need to be thankful for every little thing in our lives. This single act is backed by a hadith in which the Prophet (SAW) praised Abu Bakrfor doing four specific virtuous acts in one day.
Abu Huraira reported that Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said: “Who amongst you is fasting today? Abu Bakr said: I am. He (again) said: Who amongst you followed a funeral procession today? (Except the women) Abu Bakr said: I did. He (the Prophet) again said: Who amongst you served food to the needy? Abu Bakr said: I did. He (again) said: Who amongst you has today visited the sick? Abu Bakr said: I did. Thereupon Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said: Anyone in whom (these good deeds) are combined will certainly enter paradise.”
This is also a good time to introduce children to caring for the sick and assisting them in any little way they can. There is always a sense of gratitude and self-reflection after a visit from the hospital.

Assist the less-privileged:
This is almost like the above, only that in this situation there is physical work involved. You can get involved in a community project; help clean the mosque, roads, etc. All these are charities that will not go unnoticed. You can also take up extra activities like teaching children in a school or an IDP camp, or helping to coordinate the sharing of food at same camp. The little things would add up and would be a great source of your blessings. Further, the satisfaction you will get is guaranteed to be fulfilling.

Learn culinary skills:
The Ramadan season is one time many wish they knew how to display their culinary skills. With a lot of free time, especially in the morning for those not working, going to a culinary school will be a good idea. You could also visit an aunt or parent for additional lessons or trade new ideas with friends. It helps while away time, too.

Reading is also a good way to make the most of the season. Sleeping during the day this season isn’t encouraged, so to avoid being sleepy, one can look for inspirational books to read to keep you busy. Take note that there are Islamic story books, which could also be an interesting read for adults too.

Keep in touch with family and friends:
It is usual to get text messages seeking forgiveness from various people on the eve to the start of Ramadan. It is a season of forgiveness and making amends. Though we keep in touch with loved ones, this season presents an opportunity for us to keep in touch with friends to whom we have not reached out for some time. It is a time to let them know you care about them. There is always this sense of joy and relief when you speak to people you have lost touch with. Beside keeping in touch with lost friends, the season also encourages us to make new friends. Keeping in touch does not necessarily mean physical visits, as a call or e-mail would do some magic.

Decoration and re-organising:
Yes, this might not go down well with most people, but then there is no better time to re-organise or decorate your home. The need to feel new and refreshed comes with the season, so our homes shouldn’t be left out. One good way to get this done without having the Ramadan impact is to start re-organising early mornings, section by section and before you know it you are done under one week or at most ten days. Nothing beats the look and feel of a well-organized home, only then can you have the rest everyone desires during this season. Whichever way, re-organising your home helps cut down the stress of preparing for the Eid celebration.