‘$9.3m: Jonathan should probe NSA, Defence Minister over attempt to rubbish Oritsejafor’

A lot of reactions have trailed the recent $9.3 million meant for arms purchase in which the CAN President’s private jet was involved. What do you have to say about the whole scenario?Ordinarily, I wouldn’t want to delve into this issue again because we have responded to it earlier. It is unfortunate that the people […]

‘$9.3m: Jonathan should probe NSA, Defence Minister over attempt to rubbish Oritsejafor’
‘$9.3m: Jonathan should probe NSA, Defence Minister over attempt to rubbish Oritsejafor’

A lot of reactions have trailed the recent $9.3 million meant for arms purchase in which the CAN President’s private jet was involved. What do you have to say about the whole scenario?
Ordinarily, I wouldn’t want to delve into this issue again because we have responded to it earlier. It is unfortunate that the people who orchestrated this evil had wanted to mislead the gullible society and they are achieving it. If you own a house and I come to rent your house for living, will you know what I do inside the apartment that I rented?
Most of us travel by public transport, when you go to the garage, do you ask who is the owner of the vehicle that you enter? Likewise, the owner of the vehicle who lease his car out to a driver does he know the kind of passengers the driver carries?  Or does the driver know what the passengers have in their luggage? I am particularly pained that the Nigeria society is not asking the correct question. Firstly, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor who was presented the jet (as a gift) leased it to a company because of the cost of maintenance. The company also leased it to another company for the purpose of getting some money for the jet’s maintenance.
The company admitted that the jet had been with them since August 2, 2014. Secondly, the Federal Government of Nigeria owned up to the ownership of the money in question and that FG was the one that sent for the arms ‘purchase. Now the relevant question for people to ask is: Who sent this people and who were the people that were sent? If Nigeria is not a gullible society that people take advantage of, the first question to be asked would have been: We have the National Security Adviser (NSA). What is his role in this scam? We have the Ministry of Defense which is responsible for sourcing arms for the Nigerian military. What is the role of the Minister of Defense in this scam?
Is President Goodluck Jonathan aware of this deal? Did the NSA, who is supposed to be in charge, tell his South African counterpart that he was sending some people to buy arms in their country? If he did not tell them, why? Why are they hiding the identity of the two Nigerians caught in the aircraft, and above all, how did the information get to the media? These are questions that right thinking people should ask but nobody is asking. We have discovered that this is a highly classified orchestrated plan to rubbish the hard-earned image of Pastor Oritsejafor, but they have failed because they will soon be exposed.
Another question is that President Goodluck has his jets which he travels in, why didn’t the NSA use one of his jets? We have over 300 private jet owners in Nigeria, why didn’t he hire any of them but that of Pastor Ayo? This scam was orchestrated to rubbish Pastor Ayo because this is the same man who went to the United Nations and put his feet on the ground and told them they are hypocrites. He asked them how they can call Usama Bin-Laden a terrorist and not call Al-Qaeda a terrorist organisation?
It was afterwards that the speck was removed from America’s eyes and they agreed to domesticate Boko Haram as a terrorist organisation. Since that time, people like el-Rufai and some Islamists in the North have been asking that Pastor Ayo be tried for treason. Newspapers were awash with that news about the same Pastor Ayo. About a month ago, el-Rufai went to London trying to do image laundering for APC and he said that there are three sects of Boko Harams in Nigeria, namely: the Islamic Boko Haram, political Boko Haram and the Christian Boko Haram. We have him on record.
He further mentioned that the Christian Boko Haram is funded by President Jonathan and controlled by Pastor Oritsejafor, adding that his (Oritsejafor’s) reward is a gift of jet and N5billion from the president. Even the devil who is a father of lies doesn’t lie like el-Rufai. Then, about two days later, the issue of $9.3million scam came on board. You can see the network of how these people orchestrated the plan to make sure that they rubbish themselves and not Pastor Ayo.
Therefore, the NSA must explain to Nigerians who he sent and why did he use Pastor Ayo’s jet and finally what is the role of the NSA and Minister of Defense in the scam? The same people who said Pastor Ayo’s head must go, are the same people who are turning around to say he is a leader of Boko Haram. How do we reconcile that? Pastor Ayo was not in the aircraft, he does not know about the money, neither did he know that the aircraft had travelled to South Africa but people have shifted their narration to him, because he is their perceived enemy.
I stand to tell you that if there is any Nigerian who loves this country passionately and who will not compromise his principles to stoop low to beg politicians for money, it is Pastor Ayo and that was why he challenged politicians last year that whoever among them has given him money should come out and speak publicly and up till now, no one has come out to say anything but today, he is the man they want to rubbish.
President Jonathan needs to demand (explanations) from his NSA and the Ministry of Defense on the two Nigerians (on board the aircraft). Until he does that, he should forget about anything that will make people look at him with respect because he is the one they want to rubbish. So, the NSA should tell us who the Nigerians are.
If President Jonathan himself has a hand in the deal, he should let the world know because it is evil in the sight of God and in the sight of humanity for a man who does not know anything about a deal to be rubbished.
God will not be happy; God punishes a nation is when you kill the spirit of a man for an offence he has not committed, you are intentionally killing the Man of God. They intentionally want the discussion to be shifted to Pastor Ayo who they perceive as their enemy because he stands for the truth.

There seems to be division and disunity among Christians. What do you think is responsible for this division?
Let me first of all correct an impression, the body of Christ is not divided. Like my good friends will say, ‘there is a bad priest but not a bad parish.’ There are some Christians who have a complex. You know a slave doesn’t have a mind of his own. When a slave is given liberty to go, he still has the mentality that he is a slave.
Some Christians, because of certain perceptions and because they don’t have self-worth, speak on issues they don’t know. Some of the people who talk any how are being shaped and controlled by certain minds outside the church. You know, the devil is always interested in dividing the body of Christ.
Jesus Christ, the captain of our salvation, had 12 disciples and he chose them by himself, but do you know there was a Judas among the 12? Now, shall we say, Jesus made a mistake? No. He allowed that so that the scripture can be fulfilled and the Bible said that offences will come but woe to that person who brings division to the body of Christ.

What is your call to the church as investigation into the scandal continues?
My call is that Christians should be fervent in prayers, because we know the whole thing is orchestrated to divide the body of Christ and when the church is divided, the enemy of Nigeria, the enemy of the Christians will have their field day.

There is this impression that the Catholics have distanced themselves from CAN?
It is not true. The assistant general secretary of CAN is a Catholic, the accountant of CAN is a Catholic, the director of research, planning and strategy is a Catholic, the person who led the Christian delegation to the recently concluded National Confab is a Catholic. So how can you say the Catholics are far from CAN? There is no meeting of CAN that the Catholics don’t attend but there are some people that have been hired to do a damage-job. In fact, among the five blocs of CAN, the Catholics are one of those who pay their dues early.
The Catholic Bishops had to quickly refute what was written about him in the media, concerning the $9.3m scandal. Even Bishop Idowu Faeron in an interview said his position is the same with the Catholic’s own on the scam. After the that the Catholic Bishop refuted and said they did not say so. So which position does Idowu Faeron holds now? These are the kind of characters we see in the society but unfortunately people listen to them.

What role is the church expected to play in the forthcoming 2015 general elections?
My appeal to Nigerians is that we must not play into the hands of the people who predicted that Nigeria is going to split. God did not make a mistake by putting us together; He did not make a mistake by making us Nigerians. God in His wisdom decided to create us with different tribes, ethnicity and religions, among others.
So Nigerians must not play into the hands of the enemy of Nigeria who wants the country to split. The strength of Nigeria is the collective unity of the diversity we have. I see a great Nigeria overcoming the storms and fears of 2015.
All the people who have sold their conscience to the devil and want to destroy this country, God will not let them see 2015. We will pass through 2015 victoriously and smiling.