9th Assembly: Choose Speaker with wholesome antecedents

Tomorrow 11th of June is a date with history as members-elect in the House of Representatives would have the privilege to choose a Speaker who would be invested with the authority to steer their affairs for the next four years. Expectedly, one of the members elected on the platform of the majority party, All Progressives […]

9th Assembly: Choose Speaker with wholesome antecedents

Tomorrow 11th of June is a date with history as members-elect in the House of Representatives would have the privilege to choose a Speaker who would be invested with the authority to steer their affairs for the next four years.

Expectedly, one of the members elected on the platform of the majority party, All Progressives Congress (APC) is expected to emerge as the Speaker.

Though the onus of choosing a Speaker rests solely on the 360 members-elect, their choice should reflect the wishes of the majority of Nigerians who voted them into power.

People are particularly concerned about who will eventually emerge the leader of the Green Chamber. As the day of decision inches closer, there is the need for the lawmakers to peruse the credentials of those presently angling for the exalted position.

Yes, the ruling party had zoned the position to the South-west but the attempt to further micro-zone it to a particular individual has been vigorously resisted not only by the members-elect but by the generality of Nigerians.

A close look at the antecedents of some of the contestants would suffice for the incoming lawmakers to make a choice that would not embarrass the country and make Nigeria a laughing stock in the comity of nations.

Regardless of the volume of money spent by any aspirant, what counts most as lawmakers take an important decision that will guide the destiny of the Green Chamber for the next four years should be the level of patriotism and integrity of whoever emerges as the Speaker.

Any candidate with court cases should be told to clear himself of litigations before contesting for the number four position. Electing a Speaker with a baggage of court cases is tantamount to mockery of our selection process.

Having a Speaker with questionable past and tinted antecedents is not a reflection of the vision being espoused by President Muhammadu Buhari whose integrity, zeal for accountability and probity remain legendary. This ‘next level’ should excise men with blemish in the polity if the international community would take our fight against corruption seriously.

It is with the foregoing that the members-elect should look at the direction of other aspirants, particularly from the South-west to which the Speakership slot had been zoned by the ruling party.

There are members with impeccable records in private and public sectors contesting the Speakership. Hon. Olajide Olatubosun, an alumnus of the prestigious University of Lagos, who is also a Chartered Accountant is in the race. I think he is the best from the South west who has no known report of criminality. Nigeria deserves a Speaker whose past will not hunt the House in particular and the country in general.

He is one lawmaker with acceptable mien, ready to carry his colleagues along in the business of lawmaking for the progress and prosperity of the country. His maxim “We are united by a common destiny and should not allow our destinies to be written for us, but by us” should resonate as lawmakers take the most important decision of selecting the Speaker that will control the destiny of the House for the next four years.

Shehu Muhammed, a public affairs analyst, writes from Abuja.