A badge of honour

A woman’s strength is the most powerful force in the universe. If you any one laughing at this statement or feel it’s absurd, then such a person needs to sit tight and read the following tyext. Eentually, such people would have a re-think after wards. You don’t even have to have an open mind, as […]

A badge of honour
A badge of honour

A woman’s strength is the most powerful force in the universe. If you any one laughing at this statement or feel it’s absurd, then such a person needs to sit tight and read the following tyext. Eentually, such people would have a re-think after wards. You don’t even have to have an open mind, as the facts will speak for themselves.
Listening to the lyrics of Dolly Parton’s ‘She’s an eagle when she flies’, one  would be grateful one had a woman in his life as a mother, wife, daughter or friend.
“She is been there, God knows she been there. She has seen and done it all. She is woman she knows how to dish it out and take it all, still she weathers stormy skies. You can toss her round but you can never keep her down. She is a lover, a mother, a friend and she is a wife. She’s a sparrow when she is broken but she is an eagle when she flies.
“For the sake and peace of the home, I try my best to make sure that there is sanity in the house. Though I know I carry out most of the responsibilities in the home, but where do I have to go now after three kids. What is it that I am looking for after these kids? They are my life now and will sacrifice anything to make sure they have a humble life. My leaving would only make things worse for them. I’ve to remain strong for them no matter the circumstances I might be facing….” says Mercy Adora, a house wife who wrote via email to this page.
A woman’s strengths never cease to amaze a lot of people. She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens; she holds happiness, love and opinions. She smiles when she feels the pangs of screaming. She sings when she falls within the conditions that induce tears. Amazingly, she cries when she’s happy, and laughs when she’s afraid, her love is unconditional, there’s only one thing wrong with her and that is that sometimes she forgets what she is worth.
A woman’s courage and strength is a badge she wears with honor. She proudly wears that badge because she knows what she’s been through. She knows the roads she has traveled on and what has happened along the way. A woman will check, review and document mentally the steps she has taken and learn from mistakes if any. Most often she will not reward herself or encourage herself. She knows what plans she has and what she has to do to accomplish them. A woman’s strength and courage is passed along to those who are close to her and those who are not. She will not see them fall, nor will she see them fail. She defies all odds to be strong for others than herself.
Now let’s not forget the mother in many women. For many women, not only do they provide the man with a child, but they also work. Men could not in any way do this despite the fact that they are termed the stronger gender. They say that if men had to bare children, there would be no human race. Let’s face it, women have to go through procedures for their health that men would just run away from. And they say the women are the weaker sex!
How does a woman work a full time job, raise the kids, keep the house, and still find the time to spend with her partner? And the women that are stay at home moms? Not many men would want that job, because they would become very grumpy from the normal everyday routine they would have to contend with at home. From the time they wake up before all members of the family, they are cleaning, cooking, and dressing the kids, and feeding, and running errands, making sure the daily chores of the home run smoothly and continue to do this till when everyone is asleep and they can finally call it a day. The next day the same routine comes up again.
With all these, what she gets in return and appreciation are bashing and tongue lashing from an ungrateful husband! This is not a man bashing article. It is just to show what men may have been overlooking in their life.  Many men take this person for granted.  Learn to be grateful if you have one woman in your life, so you don’t lose the woman of your life.
A woman’s strength has been passed to her from every woman in her linage. She carries a large legacy. Longing, wishing and hoping that all will turn out well and better than before, she wears her badge proudly. A woman’s courage and strength is her honour. A badge she wears with pride and honour, not compared to another.
Never underestimate the power and strength of a woman, for we are mysterious creatures that can never be explained. We are survivors and fighters and yet still posses the ability to cry. We would stand even when the world is falling around us. Even when we fall, we always pull ourselves back up, crawl, stand and finally walk again.
Rumor has it that it is a man’s world but how true is this? When in reality it’s the strength of the woman is that binds the world together.