A better world is possible

I had said all that needed to be said about the Libyan situation, in fact about the entire Middle East, several weeks ago.  The difficulty that the so-called ‘international community’ faced in Libyan confirmed my prediction.  In diplomatic circles, the Libyan intervention was more than an embarrassment, and even though the ‘international community’ may dislodge […]

A better world is possible
A better world is possible

I had said all that needed to be said about the Libyan situation, in fact about the entire Middle East, several weeks ago.  The difficulty that the so-called ‘international community’ faced in Libyan confirmed my prediction.  In diplomatic circles, the Libyan intervention was more than an embarrassment, and even though the ‘international community’ may dislodge or kill Muamar Gaddafi eventually, I know that many of the key players will find it difficult to live with the tissue of lies that their lives have become.  Still, I hold on firmly to the belief, that a better world is possible.  But the world that has been created and manipulated for us by the ‘wise’ Western countries, is nothing but rubbish!

We should take our minds back to the beginning of the current upheaval in Libya. They started by being protesters but swiftly transformed into rebels, having mastered all of a sudden, the use of highly sophisticated weapons.   Still, the rebels are referred to as ‘civilians’ by choice on international TV.  The Western countries said they want Gaddafi out BY EVERY MEANS, only for them to also claim that their aim in Libya is not regime change.  They had claimed that they seized Libyan resources abroad and will dip hands into those resources to fund the rebels, only to claim that they are neutral in the fight.

As I write, the rebels captured the town of Ajdabiya (a key oil port as the CNN told us).  This should tell anyone that the West is only interested in the oil.  The next news item is that the rebels are advancing on Brega (another oil port).  The USA, UK and France had been quick to enforce a no-fly zone, which many, including the Arab League had interpreted to mean peace-keeping, but which actually translated into major bombings of every facility of the Libyan people, and the killing of civilians.  The new twist in the so-called no fly zone enforcement, is that the ‘coalition’ fighter jets target the Libyan armed forces on ground, even if they were just passive, and give cover to the rebels to allow them advance.  I look at every white man these days and wonder why they should not be ashamed at the colour of their skins!  I see that we, who have been castigated for so long, have even more honourable!

There is a business idea involved in the bombing of Libya and other countries.  The reason why UK, France and the USA took the lead in destroying every fighter jet, every arms depot, all the ammunitions owned by the Libyan people for the defence of their own land, is that all those things were bought from them (USA, UK, France).  These are the world’s largest arms producers.  Naturally, any new leader that will take over in Libya, will have to buy back all that has been destroyed, from the countries that destroyed them!.  Even if Gaddafi survives, he will have to go back to them to purchase back these items, which cost a fortune!  This is how ‘underdeveloped’ countries end up transferring their wealth and savings, to the ‘developed’ countries.  When civil wars are fought, even at the instigation of these ‘developed’ countries, they are always keen to resupply the arms and ammunition to both sides, to elongate the wars, while feigning holiness, and to supply more when the wars have ended.

But a better world should be possible.  And all right-thinking persons are called to support the quest for a better world.  I am scandalized that this is the best that the leadership of Western countries can offer.  Can we not focus the world on productivity and peace?  Is it true that war should be the next agenda of every country in the world? Or are these ‘developed’ countries, having lost the plot themselves, just trying to hold the rest of the world back, or pull all of us back into the apocalypse?  Have Western countries truly run out of ideas and should allow others to lead the way?  These are the questions that cross my mind, for any discerning mind should see that those countries are only hell-bent on causing chaos all around the world.  But the rest of us should rally round, and bring the world back to its right senses.

I have watched with fascination, how the entire news media these days are focused on the Middle East, as if that is the only region with problems in the world.  Newscasters take delight in reporting the damage and destruction, and the dissatisfaction of the people there.  But they ignore the cancer eating their own societies at their own peril.  It is easy to ‘analyse’ how bombs are being dropped ‘with precision’ on other people’s countries, but it is not funny at all when you are at the receiving end.   Do journalists think they cannot help to create a better world?  Is this the best they can do?  Are they not tired of creating and disseminating lies?

For sure, the social and economic model adopted by the Western countries have failed.  I reported my recent London experience here a few weeks ago.  On Saturday the 26th of March, the City of London ground to a halt, as 250,000 protesters came out to demonstrate against the economic policies of the government.  The government had raised taxes for oil companies, and reduced fuel prices by 1 penny per litre.  The people were angry at this sardonic joke coming from government.  If 250,000 could come out to create chaos in London, take it from me that 90% of the people of that country are going through tremendous financial stress.  But their attention is being diverted by TV.  They are being convinced that Gaddafi is the world’s biggest problems, and that they are living better lives than the Libyans.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

The failure of the socio-economic models of the Western countries, is enough reason for us to seek other opinions.  In Libya they have this brand of Socialism.  It is not enough to dismiss it and say Gaddafi is a fraud.  No. It is now time to bring everything to the table.  Not every country must practice capitalism and democracy.  In some societies it doesn’t work.  Or at least, people should be allowed to take their own time to evolve their own systems.  Surely a better world is possible; a world based on truth, or at least a tendency towards truth.  For now, shame on these Western leaders, who have made a peculiar mess of the world today!   But they still have the opportunity to return the world to sanity, for there has to be a positive way out of the mess they created!