A chance to reason

Imam Muslim relates on the authority of Abu Dharr al-Ghifariy (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) related that Allah (SWT) said, “O My servants, I have forbidden wrong doing in Myself, and I have made it a thing forbidden among you, so do not act wrongfully towards one another. O my Servants! All of you are […]

A chance to reason
A chance to reason

Imam Muslim relates on the authority of Abu Dharr al-Ghifariy (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) related that Allah (SWT) said, “O My servants, I have forbidden wrong doing in Myself, and I have made it a thing forbidden among you, so do not act wrongfully towards one another. O my Servants! All of you are astray except whom I have guided, so ask guidance of me, I will guide you. O My servants! All of you are hungry except to whom I have given food, so ask of food from Me, I will feed you. O My servants! All of you are naked except whom I have clothed, so ask clothing of me, I will clothe you. O My servants! You sin night and day: it is I who forgive all sins, so ask for forgiveness from Me, I will forgive you. O My servants! You will never attain to my power of harming so as to harm me nor My power of benefitting so as to benefit Me. O My servants! Even if the first and last of you, those of you who are men and those who are Jinn were as good as the most pious heart; that will not add anything to My kingdom. O My servants! Even if the first and last of you, those of you who are men and those who are Jinn were as bad as the most sinful heart among you; that would not diminish anything in My kingdom. O My servants! Even if the first and last of you, those of you who are men and those who are Jinn were to rise in a particular place requesting for something and I gave to each what he (or she) asked for; that would not reduce what I have with Me any more than a needle dropped in the ocean (would raise its level). O My servants! It is your works alone (which you sent forth) that I will keep for you and thereafter give the reward for them. So he who finds good should glorify Allah, and he who finds otherwise should blame no one but himself”.
The hadith is, indeed, a very long one. The first lesson from this hadith is that Allah (SWT) forbids us from doing wrong to ourselves. However, the kind of relationship that exists today among siblings, neighbours, friends and professional colleagues portrays many of us as a people who have jettisoned the sense of brotherhood taught by the hadith. Some of us make themselves into sworn enemies over worldly issues that are sometimes as trivial as whose name was first recognized at a public function or who was first called upon to make a speech.
We also learn from the hadith that the Sustainer of the worlds has nothing to gain or lose from our being grateful or unthankful for His favours. Allah (SWT) in Qur’an 40:60 has promised to give upon asking when He says: “And your Lord says: ‘Call on Me; I will answer your (prayer)…” Allah (SWT) has no use of the alms, supplications and indeed all the acts of worship put forth by believers. Let no one, out of ignorance or transgression; think that his acts of devotion constitute a ‘bribe’ or that his righteousness could do any harm to Allah (SWT), the most High. Everyone shall reap whatever he sows. The evil one who does evil shall not be rewarded with good; neither shall the one who does good be unjustly punished. Qur’an 41: 46 states “whoever works righteousness benefits his own soul; and whoever works evil, it is against his own soul. Thy Lord is never unjust (in the least) to His servants”
There are other lessons to be learnt from the above hadith. It teaches that Allah (SWT) creates everything, human and material. He has control over all things. He is independent of any needs or assistance from man. Rather, it is man who needs assistance from the Sustainer of the worlds. Our righteousness adds nothing to Allah (SWT). Even if every living being from among mankind and Jinn were to be as good as the most pious among us, it adds nothing to Allah’s kingdom. Similarly, our deviation from righteousness neither harms Allah (SWT) nor reduces anything from Him. Allah, the Beneficent, owns everything and gives as He desires to whom He gives as He wills with no religious, ethnic, gender, political, cultural or social conditions attached. This is why man has to direct all his needs to Allah (SWT) alone. Allah alone has the power to give or deny you of whatever you stand in need of; either to survive or prosper on earth. From food, clothes, money or wealth, wife or husband, children, and knowledge to health; only Allah (SWT), the most Bountiful can provide. Man’s ingratitude to Allah (SWT), however, could make him become a slave to his fellow creatures; seeking gratification of his needs or aspirations from other than Allah. Man’s appreciation of the grace of Allah (SWT) in providing his needs lies in his realization that his supplications ought to be directed to Allah alone. This hadith is actually a chance to reason, but for those who are thoughtful. May Allah (SWT) keep us on the track of guidance, amin.