A double celebration

‘For someone who is sad that Ramadan is about to end, you have a strange way of showing it.’ Tahir remarked, as he stood by our well laid dining table viewing the iftar dishes there. ‘Why did you say so?’ I asked, joining him near the table. ‘For one, even in the early days,  when […]

A double celebration

‘For someone who is sad that Ramadan is about to end, you have a strange way of showing it.’ Tahir remarked, as he stood by our well laid dining table viewing the iftar dishes there.
‘Why did you say so?’ I asked, joining him near the table.
‘For one, even in the early days,  when we were enthusiastically welcoming the holy month, you didn’t cook as many delicacies as you did today. For another there are things here that I don’t normally eat together, I mean I don’t combine them in one meal and you never serve them the same time. But today you flouted all our dietary rules, as if you are celebrating rather than grieving the end of the holy season.’ He observed.
‘Oh well, since we’ve both agreed that it’s my annual cross to bear, may I remind you that today is July 1st. And that is all there is to this iftar dinner. It’s the 1st of July.’ I replied, in mock anger.
‘Am sorry Wifey dearest’. He replied, smiling and laying a hand on my shoulder. ‘I’m sure you are totally fed up with my apologies every year when I fail to remember our wedding anniversary. Each time I promise to remember it on my own next year, I really mean to try and do so but I can’t ever seem to achieve it. I suppose it’s what being a breadwinner means. It takes such a toll on your life that you can’t have the best of memories, even if you tried.’ He explained, apologetically.
‘No Tahir, there is only one explanation to your forgetfulness and that is that this date means nothing to you anymore. Otherwise, how do you get to remember every important date in your company calender, if you were naturally forgetful? You remember all the board meetings, the AGMs, the beginning and end of the financial year, in fact every date that you consider important you remember without prodding, except the one date that, to me, should mean more to you than those others. Anyway, for whatever its worth, happy anniversary.’ I said lifting up a bowl of sweet dates to him. “It’s iftar time.’ I added.
‘Thank you’ Tahir said picking up three dates and pulling one of the chairs to sit down. ‘Where is Mahmoud and LB’? He asked. Before raising a date near his mouth and supplicating silently. I raised my own to the same position and made my supplications too before I answered.
‘They will be joining us soon. I left both of them making their ablutions in the room.’
‘I’m sure they both knew about our wedding anniversary. It’s just the old man of the house who can’t seem to remember.’ He said.
‘No they only knew because I told them. In truth I am the only custodian of this date. But that’s only to be expected isn’t it? Like someone said “Love is the whole story of a woman’s life but an episode in a man’s.” I have since learnt to accept that.’ I declared.
‘Look Bint, I don’t remember all dates, period. Not my birthday, not yours, not the children’s. I only remember them when someone drops a hint or reminds me directly. Even your last birthday was brought up by Mahmoud who wanted to know what we will do for you because it was a milestone anniversary. All those official dates you accuse me of remembering, I do so because my able secretary reminds me. That’s all there is to it Bint. So believe me, this date means a lot to me, I value it and always praise Allah for making it the day of our union. When I can’t remember it like I used to, put it down to old age and the demands of our lives. But I will never, can never, forget that Friday when we became one.’ He said, laying a hand on my palm.
‘Wow, how very nice to hear. And did you notice that this anniversary fell on another Friday?’ I think this is why it calls for a double celebration. Its just a pity that Ummi and Ahmad can’t be with us. I think this is the very first time that their campus schedule has prevented them from being with us in Ramadan or during our anniversary. I miss them so much but such is life. They will have to grow up and leave one day. May AlmightyAllah bless them all.’ I said emotionally.
‘Allahumma amin dear Bint. Let’s go and pray Magrib before we descend on your anniversary feast.’ He said raising to his feet.
‘Remember to tell your cousins to join us in here for the meal. My niece is also getting ready to come down after she prayed. With any luck, we may not miss our older children so much on our special day.’ I said, also rising up to pray.
‘Happy Anniversary Bint.’ Tahir said, with his enchanting smile before walking out to pray Magrib.