A farewell letter to Goni Musa

Your long, on and off  illness kind of prepared us for this day. But no matter how well prepared one can be, it is still very painful when reality hits. It is even more painful because some of us (your extended family) could not be at the graveside to say our good-byes to you in […]

A farewell letter to Goni Musa
A farewell letter to Goni Musa

Your long, on and off  illness kind of prepared us for this day. But no matter how well prepared one can be, it is still very painful when reality hits. It is even more painful because some of us (your extended family) could not be at the graveside to say our good-byes to you in person. When time permits, we will make the journey to pay our respect to you. The recurrent wish from all of us is that you find rest and comfort in the arms of the almighty Allah, and the legacy you have left behind is one we can proudly emulate.
The shock with which we received the news of your untimely passage into the sunset on May 17, 2015 clearly demonstrates that your departure to the world beyond is an indelible loss for all. You were exemplary because of your honesty, compassion, firmness, inner energy, and love of family. You stood tall when most people were looking for places to hide; you played by the rules when most people were being shady; and you knew how to separate reality from your convictions! Above all you kept your connection with the Maiduguri community you so ably served. In your absence, we will do no less.
To the family, you were a good example of what a great patriarch should be… soft-spoken, caring, and always willing to make the necessary sacrifices and this endeared you to us. You always felt that family needs were more important than your personal needs; you always anticipated community needs and causes, and took steps to take care of business in your low-key, humble, and unassuming manner.
To your circle of friends, you were what most people dream of being — loyal, simple, easy-going, harmless, supportive, and a friend in deed. If anyone had you as a friend, they had a friend for life; and if anyone had you as an enemy, you still left the door open for them. Today, everyone is standing by your side with one simple wish – go in peace!!
In your professional circles, no one remembers having a quarrel with you because there was none; no one saw you even killing a fly, because you were harmless; but everyone certainly remembers your leadership, both in word and action. You were always ready to respond, to move quickly, and to get things done. You were willing to put aside personal gain for the common good; you were able to rally people even during moments when all hope was lost; and you were fully cognizant that hardships are a way of life. There were enormous sacrifices associated with this role, but you absorbed it without complaining.
Based on the lessons we are learning from the fruits (your children), there is a lot to be learned from the tree (your life). You were the epitome of an honest broker. On any given issue, you chose one side and did not waiver through thick or thin; you disagreed with philosophies, not with people; you had your eyes on the big picture at all times; and you believed in a simple Allah-fearing life. No wonder, you always said what you believed and believed what you said.   
Zara never ended any discussion without referring to something you did or said, including letting mom to manage the household finances all these years. One could always sense the feelings and sentiments of Zara and her siblings who always wanted to express how much they loved, cherished, and admired you, they always wanted to praise you for your simplicity, sense of community, and good heart. They always wanted to let you know what a fine human being you were, they always wanted to let you know that you were their ultimate role-model. They always wanted to praise your honesty,  and they always wanted to let you know how proud they were to be your offsprings. We hope it is not too late to let you know all of this now and from  your extended family and admirers, we will always cherish the stories we heard about you from your children. We will hold on to the memories, your words of wisdom, and the advice of living together!
Now that you are gone, we know you have found eternal peace, love, and comfort in the arms of the Almighty Allah, you have joined our forefathers and mothers, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, and other people of good will who went before you  and together, you are going to be one, big, happy family.
While you are gone, we want you to know that the family you are leaving behind will be in good hands, we will continue to uphold the virtues of goodwill which you preached throughout your life. We will keep the faith. We will try to live life to the fullest, just as you taught us, we will continue to wish your beloved Maiduguri community Allah’s grace  we will continue to pray for the sick so that they too can stand up and fulfill their missions on earth  and above all, it is our wish that the contributions you made in education and  veterinary medicine in Nigeria will continue to shine like a lamp on the hill.
Our dad/uncle/friend/mentor, we cannot turn the clock back. We cannot undo what has been done, and we cannot go against Allah’s will — we love you, but Allah loves you more, we need you, but Allah needs you more. You had a lot of unfinished tasks, but Allah has more important tasks for you,  we will genuinely miss you, but the almighty Allah has another mission for you,  we will never come to terms with you departure — but no matter what anyone says or thinks at this point,  no matter how much pain we feel  and no matter how we will want to remember you individually. Allah’s time is the best!
On behalf of the family and all the friends you have left behind, we want to salute you for a very fruitful life on this planet. You were a quiet person, you were an excellent family person, you were a good neighbour, you were a good friend  and you were a good Nigerian. These are the basic things that Allah requires of us – indeed, your journey into the sunset has left a huge vacuum which will never be filled. On behalf of all people of good will, we wish you peace, love, and Allah’s grace till we meet again.
There are plenty of examples to take from your life, and there are plenty of things we too can do for the rest of mankind. To keep your memory fresh and alive, we will stop mourning and start celebrating your life; we will continue to have conversations with you; and we will keep our eyes on the big picture. Now, isn’t this extraordinary?
Dr. Tambe wrote from Abuja