A First Lady’s luck

‘Wow how very sweet. Would you say the same about me Hubby dearest? Would you tell the world that I’m your anchor, the day you reach the very top?’ I asked, turning over to look at Tahir, who was stretched out on the settee watching TV. But there was no response from him. He often […]

A First Lady’s luck
A First Lady’s luck

‘Wow how very sweet. Would you say the same about me Hubby dearest? Would you tell the world that I’m your anchor, the day you reach the very top?’ I asked, turning over to look at Tahir, who was stretched out on the settee watching TV. But there was no response from him. He often puts off some of the lights when we are in the sitting room after dinner, that’s why I can’t tell, from where I sat, if his eyes were open or closed. 

‘Don’t tell me you’ve fallen asleep and missed this very interesting interview Tahir. Or are you just pretending so you wouldn’t have to answer me?’ I asked again.

And at this Tahir raised his head and asked, in a sleepy voice, ‘Were you talking to me Bint? I must have dozed off because I just woke up to the sound of your voice. What did you just say?’ He asked.

‘I was asking you whether you will tell the world that I am your life and your anchor when you’ve become as big as the president of France or something close to that.’ I repeated. 

‘But why the President of France? What is so special about him that I should aspire to be as ‘big’ as he is? Incidentally, I am a lot older than him, in case you haven’t noticed.’ Tahir replied.

‘Yes, you are a lot older than him. But I wasn’t talking age-wise. I was talking influence-wise.  As far international politics is concerned he is a very big man. The leader of a very influential European nation. But that’s not the reason I mentioned him. I mentioned him because he was on CNN just now, talking to Christian Amanpour. He rounded up the interview by saying his wife was a part of him, his anchor. And thinking that you were busy watching the programme along with me, I asked whether you would say the same about me when you get to the top. Alas, you were in slumber land.’ I complained.

‘Well, whether I watch the programme or not, I will always tell the world that you are a part of me and my anchor. Rest assured.’ He declared, smiling my way.

‘Would you really, even when you’ve become a world renown man of influence? Would you credit me with being your pillar of support, your source of inspiration, your guide and your greatest love?’ I asked, coyly.

‘Did he say all that? I mean did Emmanuel Macron say his wife was all these to him?’ Tahir asked, incredulously.

‘Yes he did, though not in the same words. Let me just quote him for you. After Ms Amanpour asked what love means to him, Mr Macron answered: “Love is a part of my life and my balance. And I do believe that you don’t build something great and you don’t believe properly if you are not balanced as a couple. I’ve been with my wife for a decade and she is a part of me….. For me its very important to have somebody at home telling you the truth everyday because access to the truth is one of the main challenges (of leadership)…. So I know I chose her and we are together and that’s very important to me because she’s my anchor at the end of the day.” 

Isn’t that very sweet of Emmanuel Macron? Now the question is; Would you say the same about me when the need arises?’ I asked again, smiling at him.

‘I suppose I will. I just like to cross a bridge when I reached one. Right now, I’m just plain Tahir, no one knows me enough to come and interview me about my life. So allow me to become a world-renown politician and I will surely tell the world that you single-handedly took me there.’ He replied laughing and sitting up on the settee. 

‘It’s no use Tahir, I knew you were going to dodge the question, so I shouldn’t have asked it. I suppose I got carried away by the fact that a lady 25 years older than her husband, with kids older than him and several grandchildren to boot, got such praises from her husband. But its obvious that though I’m younger than you are, that I was never married before and have had children for you, I’m still not eligible for your undying love and affection. This means I should learn to accept that not every woman can have this First Lady’s kind of luck, period.’ I concluded.

‘Yes, but you should also learn to accept that you do not need to be a First Lady to be well loved, nor do you need a public declaration of love to know that the love you have is real. All you need is to feel this’ and he walked over to put my hand on his chest, as soon as I began to feel his heart beat under my palm, he ended his sentence ‘to know that you are well-loved.’