A foolhardy step?

Lucky you Bint’ Maryam said, stepping into the balcony while holding her wet umbrella in her hand. ‘Here you are, enjoying your beautiful and private waterfall while the rest of us are getting beaten up by rain and have no such grand view to cheer us up.’ she added. ‘Oh welcome Maryam, I had no […]

A foolhardy step?

Lucky you Bint’ Maryam said, stepping into the balcony while holding her wet umbrella in her hand. ‘Here you are, enjoying your beautiful and private waterfall while the rest of us are getting beaten up by rain and have no such grand view to cheer us up.’ she added.

‘Oh welcome Maryam, I had no idea you were here. I mean I didn’t even hear your salams or anything.’ I replied, rising up to hug her.

‘How can you hear anything when your eyes are glued to this natural wonder, located right next to your abode. Additionally the sound of the rain might have prevented you from hearing my salam. So don’t blame yourself, whoever lives in such a paradise can’t be expected to hear the sounds of mere mortals.’ She joked, smiling.

‘It might amaze you to know that though I’m seated here, I was actually thousands of miles away, in thought. Please take a seat while I get us the tea flask to make some tea. In a wet whether like this, nothing beats a steaming cup of tea.’ I offered, walking back into the seating room to get the tea things.

‘So you were thousands of miles away even while enveloped in this enchanting scenery. I mean I just counted no less than three waterfalls when I thought you had only this main one that flows from the centre of the rock. How can you think of being somewhere else when you can just remain here and savour the scenery?’ She queried, as soon as I arrived with the tray full of tea things and the flask.

‘You see, I didn’t just mentally wander away from this enchanting surroundings because I wanted to. I was dragged away to faraway Malaysia by a story I just read. So amazed was I by the contents that I couldn’t help getting totally distracted by it.’ I answered.

‘I sincerely hope it’s not one of those horror stories that are becoming so frequent now. If so don’t even tell me, I don’t have the stomach for that.’ Maryam protested, in mock horror.

‘No my dear, this is no horror story, unless you are totally horrified by the idea of a second wife.’ I replied.

‘A second wife is every first wife’s nightmare, so don’t blame me if I say the very thought gives me goosebumps.’ She declared.

‘Well then get ready for this. It transpired that a certain Malaysian housewife named Khuzatul Atika found herself pregnant. The pregnancy took such a toll on her that she found it very difficult to do her house hold chores. The result was that her husband would go to work in the morning, return in the evening and then head straight to the kitchen to make dinner. He also had to balance that with cleaning the house and doing whatever else house wives do.  This pregnant but very sympathetic wife decided that her husband was doing too much to keep their house in order so she decided to look for a second wife for him. And she did.

Khuzatul Atika announced that she was looking for another wife for her husband and was lucky to find a young lady who was willing to join her. The new wife, known as Nur Fathonah sai she was amazed when Khuzatul Atika approached her with the strange proposal but she eventually accepted and agreed to marry her husband. The report said they are now living happily in their three’s company household but I can’t help wondering how long that happiness would last. And that’s the reason I was totally oblivious to the serene beauty you can’t seem to ignore.’ I explained, smiling.

‘You are right Bint. This story is really enough to get any woman thinking. I mean why couldn’t she ask for her a house help instead? Why invite trouble to your life by bringing someone who will claim equal rights with you and divide your husband’s loyalty in a situation that’s only temporary? I mean a pregnancy is a temporary thing, mostly lasting just nine months. In trying to deal with the inconvenience of nine months why bring to yourself the problem of a lifetime? If I were in her shoes I’d insist on a house help only and allow my new marriage the chance to grow unhindered.’ Maryam opined.

‘That’s my feeling too Maryam. And if only the new wife will be content with joining her and sharing her husband’s love and affection equally, that would be fine. But from the many accounts I’ve heard, most new wives are after two things. Joining you and making sure you play second fiddle, so that they’ll rule over your husband’s affection and get to be known as the favoured wives, or they’d do all they can to chase you out because the very concept of sharing is not in their emotional dictionary. So how can any woman go out of her way to seek another wife for her husband, especially in a very new marital relationship such as this one? I just hope Khuzatul Atika did not take a foolhardy step because she’ll have a lifetime to regret it.’ I declared.

‘I hope so too. But maybe over their there aren’t too many evil women who would join you only to render you unloved or have you chased away. Yes, this must be the reason that lady took such a huge gamble on her marriage.’ Maryam observed.

‘Or alternatively because she made such a selfless move in favour of her husband, Almighty Allah might grant her a good co-wife. She might be lucky that Nur Fathonah would be the type that will treat her like a sister and forever remain loyal to both her and their husband.’ I said.

‘Let’s pray so Bint. Let’s sincerely pray that that would be the case.’ Maryam advised, doubts obvious in her voice.