A lawyer’s skill set

By definition, skill set is “a particular combination of skills that a person has developed, especially ones that can be used in a job: she does not have the proper skill set to be an effective manager.” Students of secondary education are familiar with mathematical set (popularly called maths set), this set has tools like […]

A lawyer’s skill set

By definition, skill set is “a particular combination of skills that a person has developed, especially ones that can be used in a job: she does not have the proper skill set to be an effective manager.”

Students of secondary education are familiar with mathematical set (popularly called maths set), this set has tools like compass, pencils, sharpeners, erasers, rulers of different shapes for different purposes, formula table, e.t.c, used to aid a student in calculation and easy navigation of equations.

 In the legal profession, the skill a lawyer needs to harness to grow is intangible, as such, the skill set required also comprises of intangible tools to aid a lawyer.

Read good books; the kind of books a lawyer reads aid improvement in the legal profession, it is imperative for a legal practitioner to be constantly engaged in developing the mind through research to fit the current trend of the society. Experience is the best teacher, however, learning should not be restricted to experience alone.

 Be it law books, law reports, fictional and non-fictional novels, try reading a page or two from a book daily.  

Good command of English; this is one important skill a lawyer should have in the skill set. Frequent reading helps develop a reader’s command of English, from punctuations when drafting letters, coherence in drafting brief, to addressing the court, colleagues, and the society. 

Working towards mastery in the use of English language is paramount in communicating adequately in the legal environment, it helps direct the flow of message to a listener. Some lawyers have lost arguments not for lack of substantial points, but lack of good command of English in expressing themselves to win over the audience.

Carve a niche for yourself (be a pacesetter); the society expects much from a legal practitioner be it in the conduct of affairs, ways of life, or manner of communication, a lawyer ought to be an example worthy of emulation.

There is a reason one of the most wanted careers of pupils in primary school is to become a lawyer. The society starts from the home, school, religious centres, peers, colleagues, any interaction with a fellow man counts, and a lawyer needs benefit from this advantage by setting the pace for others to follow.

 The more people that seek guidance and advice from a lawyer, the more clientele such lawyer would have.

 Be a person of integrity; no one is perfect or 100% truthful, but we can be transparent enough for our words to be a bond that can be depended upon. As humans, we are bound to have flaws; it is also a common saying on the streets that all lawyers are liars, but then again, the truth cuts across all races.

 Honesty in daily dealings as a legal practitioner is one skill set with potentials to open doors beyond imagination, the expectant reward for such skill set is priceless and should not be expected in currency rate. It is somewhat difficult to be honest in a society where being truthful is easily taken advantage of, however, to be a legal practitioner of repute in the profession one must build on the skill set of integrity.  

Package yourself; do not be a lawyer that takes the business of law so casual that it shows on comportment, composure, appearance, and communication with learned and lettered men alike. Be a lawyer with unique fashion and style, pay attention to details in all endeavours,  appear confident, dress well. 

With packaging, a lawyer with N1, 000 in his bank account would look like one with N100,000, in the same vein, without packaging, a lawyer with N100,000  would look like one in lack. 

Think on your feet: the peculiarity of the profession is one that demands a lawyer to be mentally alert at every given time, the ability to proffer solutions on the go is a commendable skill set that would benefit the practice of a legal practitioner. A lecturer in law school once said to us, “even if you don’t know the answer, say it with confidence.”

The above stated skill set are not the exhaustive list of tools a lawyer needs in the profession, the ultimate skill set a lawyer can however possess is the ability to find your own true path, and work towards improving same.


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