A little here, a little there

Can you save the world? That question does not have a simple answer. A yes or no would still be wrong. No single person can save the world but every person can help. This question is for every Nigerian. Nigerians could start saving the world by first saving this country. Someone once said that if […]

A little here, a little there
A little here, a little there

Can you save the world? That question does not have a simple answer. A yes or no would still be wrong. No single person can save the world but every person can help. This question is for every Nigerian. Nigerians could start saving the world by first saving this country. Someone once said that if you cannot save yourself how can you save others?

Nigeria is said to be one of the poorest nations in the world. About 70 per cent of her population lives below the world standard of $1 a day. Yet in this same country, some people are carting away money; millions by the day.

A single person could have a fleet of 10 cars and estates to himself while the streets are lined with little children who are not sure of where their next meal will come from. If every single Nigerian begins to look out for each other, this country would be well on its way to being saved.

On my way from work one cold evening, I passed by an electronic product outlet. One of the store’s television sets was put on display as a form of advertising to passers- by. In front of the shop, hurdled together in a small bunch against the cold were eight little children between the ages of five to seven – bare feet with worn- out clothes. My heart sunk. These kids were supposed to be somewhere warm, at least. It was also likely that these children have only had one meal that day. There was no adult close by and I was unsure if someone was looking out for them. That is the Nigeria we live in- so few selfish rich and too many hungry poor.

A little love, a tiny prayer and a little giving can make all the difference to someone. No matter your status in life, you know you are better that some other person, meaning there is someone you can help; no matter how little. If everyone would visit an orphanage once a month with a little gift or if you got nothing to give, give your time. Then change will truly start from there. While there, help with the cleaning, cooking or bathing of the children. The immediate reward will be soul- lifting, one like you never felt before. In time, society will begin to change.

To those who have already started acts of kindness, more grace to you. And to those who are yet to embark on this journey, wait and think for a minute. What if you were homeless and hungry? Would you not want someone to show a little care? No one knows what tomorrow may bring and it would be a relief to get help when you are stuck in such situations. You never know where help will come from- maybe from that child you had earlier sponsored to school or fed at the orphanage, or that lady you helped at the hospital.

The spate of violence and insecurity in this country began when some people became too preoccupied with themselves to care what happens to others. When this goes on for too long, people will eventually begin to react to such conditions. Today Libya is free of a tyrannical ruler, protests are happening around the world because people are fighting against selfish rulers. It is very likely that soon, such may begin in Nigeria if our leaders continue to override the masses. Before that happens, be aware that each person in this country has a role to play. You cannot give what you do not have. Everyone has something to give. A little love here and there can help save the world.