A political hit list for Buhari

No, a political hit list is a list of people one keeps constant tab on 24/7 to make sure they never gain political relevance again, ever, at whatever level. Here is his idea in general.According to him, the General’s comprehensive political ‘’hit list should include those who held vital ministries that bear on the life […]

A political hit list for Buhari
A political hit list for Buhari

No, a political hit list is a list of people one keeps constant tab on 24/7 to make sure they never gain political relevance again, ever, at whatever level. Here is his idea in general.
According to him, the General’s comprehensive political ‘’hit list should include those who held vital ministries that bear on the life and substance of ordinary Nigerians and made total mess of them through gross incompetence, arrogance and or outright corrupt practices; three ministries immediately come to mind, but my friend doesn’t want to mention names.
Next are those who presided over states and virtually run them down for any number of reasons. Not only that but when it was time for them to go they tried to impose their protégés with no regard to the interest or the will of the people. While some of them proclaim they are servants others claim to be technocrats par excellence and used that as a ruse to rob the states blind.  Again my friend feels there is no need to mention names.
Third are those who were trusted with ensuring security, peace and order, but who used their position to get political gain or leverage. They range from those who fabricated stories that led to the death of many innocent Nigerians, to those who are so arrogant that they claim they will hurt the ordinary citizen ten times the number if any of their people is touched even accidently. Do we need to mention names?
Then of course the General should not forget the economic saboteurs, the import/export duty waiver seekers, the oil importers and their ilk and the mega bank fraudsters.
Fifthly are the irredentists, jingoists and political bigots who promised hell on earth for anyone who does not accede to their demands even if such demands are illegal and irrational. The sixth category comprises those who demanded or were offered huge sums of money because of their social position or status and they sold their flock, so to speak, and shamelessly refused to tell the powers that be the home truth.
Finally and by no means the least, are the AGIPs (any government in power) and the spin doctors who treated Nigerians contemptuously and insulted their intelligence with blatant lies and self-serving political analyses. The hallmarks of this range from those who were the die-hard champions of the person they were dead against the other day, through those who were able to mobilise billions in an effort to perpetual injustice and in competence to those who used religion and ethnicity to advance their personal agenda. I think by now you get the general drift of my friend’s idea. Of course, there is no need to mention names.  I suggest the General should put someone of high integrity to watch over these vermin 24/7.
Bature Dodo, Abuja