A short note on Bauchi politics

Many a times, observers of political developments in Bauchi State from without are impressed by the complexity

A short note on Bauchi politics
A short note on Bauchi politics

Many a times, observers of political developments in Bauchi State from without are impressed by the complexity of its politics and the sophistication of its voters. However, moving closer, like the optical illusion that is mirage, the political complexity and voters’ sophistication soon disappear and one is left with lots of disappointments, courtesy of the insincerity of our politicians and the ill informed voters that constitute the electorate.

Most of Bauchi politicians either have no capacity in terms of the ability to understand the exigencies of both politics and governance, or are insincere in terms of their principles and ideologies of politics as well as in the administration of public trust whenever they are given one. And that is why, when they exhibit their incapacity characterized by insincerity during parties primary elections, the electorate are mostly compelled to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea.

A mixture of a good dose of incapacity and insincerity remain one of the reasons most of our politicians are nomads; always on the move in search of greener pastures. Most of them have traveled, at least once, across party border lines, not for God and country, but for devil and self. As a result, Bauchi State has little to show in terms of development of whatever sort.

Since the return to democracy in 1999, the state has earned billions of Naira from federal allocations and internally generated revenues but to the chagrin of all, there is virtually nothing to show for it. Many of our politicians were financially in the middle-class category of the economy before joining government, but they come out of it in abundance despite that they are not known to have started any business enterprise even if it is at Bauchi Central Market.

And worst of it, the electorate are always ill informed of the real motives of the politicians. We therefore allow them to control our instincts. And by that, they get the desired results. They win, we lose. But we don’t see it that way. We join them in the euphoria of victory; our victory, their victory.


Mukhtar Jarmajo is a public affairs commentator, writes via ([email protected])