A welcome development from United Arab Emirate

I must commend the United Arab Emirates in its legal fight against sponsors of Boko Haram in Nigeria. UAE is the first country to openly support Nigeria with legal instruments in its fight against Boko Haram. I want to appeal to super powers to emulate UAE action against Boko Haram. UAE has deployed one of […]

A welcome development from United Arab Emirate

I must commend the United Arab Emirates in its legal fight against sponsors of Boko Haram in Nigeria. UAE is the first country to openly support Nigeria with legal instruments in its fight against Boko Haram. I want to appeal to super powers to emulate UAE action against Boko Haram. UAE has deployed one of 19 international legal instruments to prevent terrorist acts. Since 1963, the international community has elaborated 19 international legal instruments to prevent terrorist acts.

An Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeal in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has convicted six Nigerians over alleged funding of Boko Haram. I must commend UAE in its diplomatic and legal efforts to put an end to Boko Haram terrorist group activities in Nigeria. I commend the UAE authorities for having launched an investigation into the funding of Boko Haram, and I encourage other countries also to investigate the financing and conduct of Boko Haram across West Africa. UAE has taken a giant step in the fight against Boko Haram.

The conviction was upheld by the appellate court after they lost an earlier appeal at a lower court. ‘6 Nigerians Convicted in UAE Over ‘Boko Haram Funding’.

In a 2015 survey of academic, governmental and journalistic accounts, it was reported that  Boko Haram funds its escalating acts of terror through black market dealings, local and international benefactors, and links to al-Qaeda and other well-funded groups in the Middle East, such as ISIS – the most dangerous fundamental group in the world today.

In 2016, Boko Haram started a form of microfinance by providing or promising capital and loans to young entrepreneurs and business owners in northeast Nigeria, as a ploy to get them to join the group. According to aid agency – Mercy Corps, Boko Haram was exploiting the poverty facing most small business owners from butchers and beauticians to tailors and traders, to get them to accept the loans in exchange for joining Boko Haram.

Tracing terrorism funding is a problem globally and also a problem in Nigeria. The reports from the UAE show that terrorist groups work with some government agencies to hide from suspicion. The report also revealed Boko Haram has their money laundered through Bureau de Changes.  This should lead to tighter currency transfer regulations from the CBN and demands for more transparency into dealings and the sources of funds.

Inwalomhe Donald ([email protected])