A woman’s Etiquettes

Beauty does not only entail having your hair done, keeping it glow with your skin, as well as makeup, but also includes etiquettes. While we can achieve elegance in our character and dressing, we may not achieve same in the way we move and carry ourselves. A woman who has the right carriage is said […]

A woman’s Etiquettes
A woman’s Etiquettes

Beauty does not only entail having your hair done, keeping it glow with your skin, as well as makeup, but also includes etiquettes. While we can achieve elegance in our character and dressing, we may not achieve same in the way we move and carry ourselves.

A woman who has the right carriage is said to be poised, graceful and elegant as she does everything in a finished manner.

To be a complete woman, here are some features to hold on to.


POISE: Poise is also known as balance; and to obtain it, you have to understand balance in the way you hold yourself and the way you speak. To obtain poise, a good understanding of posture and the way the body is designed ‘to move or be still’ is needed. This, therefore, is part of mental poise. By freeing yourself from inefficient styles of movement and bad habits of gestures, your graceful personality will show.


HOW TO WALK: Women should walk in a manner characterised by grace and style. It should not be hasty or hurried, not aimless, but a deliberate rhythmical movement of your legs and feet in sync with gentle compensating movements of head and arms in a slow graceful swing.

When we walk, our upper torso should remain as strong as possible; it should not be swaying back and forth.


EXPRESSION: To learn to be graceful, we must fi rst study our expressions. Expression is the result of thought ‘materialising’ on our face. It is a form of action. Th is takes the form of facial expression, gestures, walking, moving your arms, etc. So to ensure that we only give beautiful expressions, we have to control how we think, and control the impressions we make in our head.


HAVE GOOD POSTURE. Standing and sitting up straight are signs of a wellmannered lady. As a bonus, having a good posture is better for your back, and will help strengthen up your cores. Th e way you sit defi nes your personality. Sitting with legs apart as a lady is a no-no! A well poised lady sits with her legs closed or crossed. Picking your nose, chewing your fingernails, etc isn’t part of being a cultured lady.


BE CHARMING: If you don’t know how to be charming, start by smiling more at people when you talk to them, and complimenting people more.


SPEECH: Most ladies believe or think being loud is ladylike, but hey, its actually the opposite. Our way of speaking goes a long way to defi ne who we really are.

Ladies are expected to speak in soft tones and not aggressive tones. Remember, loud isn’t one of the attributes of a well mannered lady. Th is also applies to eating.

As women, we should take caution on how we chew. Chewing gum in the middle of a conversation with someone or even during an interview is considered rude and uncourteous.