A woman’s worth!

Well, there is only one answer to that for those that are sort of paranoid that a woman is worth everything they can think of, because without them in the first place, they will definitely not be in this world. The only time that a woman is seen as valuable is when she is a […]

A woman’s worth!
A woman’s worth!

Well, there is only one answer to that for those that are sort of paranoid that a woman is worth everything they can think of, because without them in the first place, they will definitely not be in this world. The only time that a woman is seen as valuable is when she is a working class lady and holds a high profile position.

What about re-establishing value back into the things that women do for the society that have nothing to do with the workforce and career? A woman’s contributions to the society in raising kids, training them and taking care of the household seem to have been neglected and no longer valued in the society.  

It is a general problem and I believe people do not value family ideals anymore. And when you do not value family ideals, there is just no way you can value the woman. There is the need to understand that the woman is the basic foundation for any society to survive.

Men in general believe that women are just commodities and sometimes are regarded as a chapter in a man’s life, for as they say, there are many fishes in the ocean. But then, how long will they go fishing just to dump and go back and fish again? And when women tend to want to prove their worth by being independent of anybody, it becomes a problem.

“I will support any woman to work and earn a living for herself as she cannot always depend on the man for everything though I am not saying a stay-at-home mother is not worth much as the kids need to be catered for. But once they are above six years, she will need to do something for the progress of her kids.

Most women work not for the fun of it, but because they want to give their kids the best. Moreover, we need to make more money than our parents did to be able to support our kids in life. Even though we are not wishing for anything bad, what if something happens to the man? Where does she start from?” Mrs Bayo K., an accountant asked.

Throughout the world, women have their worth, but right now, things are changing. Men tend to base a woman’s worth on her pay check and how far she can carry some of the responsibilities of the home forgetting that it is not her responsibility to take care of the home.

Rabi Lawal, a stay-at-home mother, says though she is often devalued among her peers because of her decision, but that one day, the society will have her to thank for her decision. “Well, I am a stay-at-home mum and people do not value what I do; they generally think that I am lazy.

“I would rather stay at home and sell things so that I can be with my kids and train them to become of better input to the society. If you ask me, I know this debate will go on for as long as it will last, but in the end, I know I made the right choice as society will one day thank me!” she said.

Obinna Chukwu says, “I feel the society especially men have pushed women in trying to have all and in various ways trying to prove their self worth, though we all know we cannot always have it all. A real man knows a woman is worth every bit of his time and he will only lose if he refuses to put her first.”

Although the role of women within the society has been changing fast, it has not changed their prestige and ability to still handle and take control of the home front. No one says raising kids is not valued, it’s something that even the most highly-placed women in the society should see as their priority. Women are seen to be the bedrock of the society, as they say, teach a man and you teach an individual, but teach a woman and you teach the whole world.

There is wisdom in this saying as we are meant to be the ones to lay the foundation for the society. If you doubt a woman’s worth, then listen to Alicia Keys’ lyrics of a real woman and only then can you realise that you may have been wrong after all about a woman’s worth.

And to women, we ought to know our worth in the society. As someone once said, the one flaw in women that we constantly fail to realise is that we forget our worth.

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