A year without Chibok girls

This is despite promises by the security agencies that they would rescue the girls. But it seems the longer they stay in captivity, the more hope diminishes that government would rescue the girls and reunite them with their loving families.Day after day people keep tabs on the days that pass since the day the girls […]

A year without Chibok girls
A year without Chibok girls

This is despite promises by the security agencies that they would rescue the girls. But it seems the longer they stay in captivity, the more hope diminishes that government would rescue the girls and reunite them with their loving families.
Day after day people keep tabs on the days that pass since the day the girls were abducted on April 14, 2014, anxious that they would be rescued as the government keep saying.
However, the saga of the abduction was not handled seriously by the government from the beginning. It was politicized, with the government doubting whether it was true or not.
Many supporters of President Goodluck Jonathan believed that it was a handiwork of the detractors (northerners) of the president to tarnish the image of his government; as such it couldn’t be true.
Up to this time some people still believe that the abduction was a lie.
So while the government was refusing to act swiftly, the abductors got farther away with the girls.
It was only when the #BringBackourGirls campaigners spread it around the world and the attention of world leaders became focused on Nigeria that the government acted belatedly.
In any case, the point is that young girls were mass abducted and the government of Nigeria could not rescue them, emphasisng how insecure everybody is. The government cannot guarantee the safety of the citizens that are its responsibility to protect.
The issue of the Chibok girls abduction has affected many people, because one of them could be your daughter, sister, niece, friend. So one can relate to how painful and devastating it can be  that such young girls are taken by gunmen.
People remember them in their prayers, praying for their safe return. And they also discuss them among themselves, lamenting the inefficiency of government.
These  are only people far removed from the Chibok community, then you can imagine the trauma of the girls’ parents and relatives, always thinking of the whereabouts of their daughters and the condition they are in.
No wonder some parents are said to have died, the trauma is just too much. This is more coupled with negligence of the government to their plight.
The president has not deemed it necessary to visit the community and commiserate with the parents. This will count as one of the greatest mistake of the President Jonathan.
How could you as president not feel that you ought to go to Chibok in such a harrowing situation?
People urged, begged, pleaded and blackmailed him to visit, but it seemed nobody could move his heart to do so, which is a tragedy to us as a nation that our president don’t really care about what happens to the common man.
Predictably, even the issue of the president visiting Chibok had turned into another political fight
So he listened to his advisers instead, who said his going to Chibok was not necessary since the girls were not there. He stood his ground, which many people held against him in the recent election.
Even small children are aware of the abduction and are unhappy about it.
In one such case, a seven-year-old boy said he didn’t, “ like Goodluck because people are being  stolen and they are not found.”
As such, a year later, save some among the abducted girls that escaped, they are still in the hands of their abductors.
But we still hope that a miracle would happen and the girls would be rescued, to put a closure to their abduction. Our prayers are always with them, wherever they may be.
Security should be the top priority of any government or it would lose support if it cannot protect the lives and property of the citizens.