Abdulsalami wants renew dedication to national development

Former Head of State, Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar (rtd), has urged Nigerians to renew their dedication to national development to overcome the challenges facing the nation. He made the call weekend in Abuja during the Leadership Scorecard Public Lecture on Democracy in Africa/Award presentation in his honour. He said achieving that is a journey that requires […]

Abdulsalami wants renew dedication to national development

General Abdulsalami Abubakar during the Trust TV interview

Former Head of State, Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar (rtd), has urged Nigerians to renew their dedication to national development to overcome the challenges facing the nation.

He made the call weekend in Abuja during the Leadership Scorecard Public Lecture on Democracy in Africa/Award presentation in his honour.

He said achieving that is a journey that requires the dedication of not only the leaders but also every citizen.

“As we look at the future, let us reaffirm our commitment to building a continent where democracy thrives and every individual can achieve their full potential. Astute leadership is characterised by the ability to inspire trust, foster unity, and drive development through accountable governance.

“It demands that we listen to the voices of our citizens, embrace transparency, and uphold justice. In this regard, I have always believed that leadership is not about wielding power but about serving the people with integrity and dedication. Leaders must fulfil promises they made,” Abdulsalami said.

Kenyan lawyer and activist, Prof. Patrick Lumumba, noted that democracy sometimes will be a happy word because it is understood differently.

“But permit me to say that throughout my intervention, my understanding of democracy will mean a government that guarantees and acknowledges people’s participation, and a government that gives the opportunity from a standpoint of enlightenment to electing to office men and women who will serve them,” Prof. Lumumba said.

The immediate past president of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Olumide Akpata, expressed optimism about the future of Nigeria’s democratic journey.

“We are not there yet, but I’m happy that we are alive to witness 25 years a quarter of a century of progress. I’m hopeful that in the next 25 years we will have made more significant achievements in our democratic journey,” Apata said.

The Publisher/CEO of Leadership Scorecard Magazine, Humphery Onyima, said the event aims to reiterate and celebrate the legacy and iconic accomplishments of Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar in the sustenance of peace and democracy in Africa, worthy of emulation.