Accounting, auditing and treasury books launched

Two books, ‘Public Sector Accounting and Auditing’ and ‘A Compendium of Federal Government Circulars 1978-2015 Vol. 1’ by Deputy Director and Head of Audit, National Commission for Museum and Monuments, Abdulkerim O. Kadiri, were launched in Abuja. Kadiri said: “The desire for me to write these books arouse from the fact that effective from 2010, […]

Accounting, auditing and treasury books launched
Accounting, auditing and treasury books launched

Two books, ‘Public Sector Accounting and Auditing’ and ‘A Compendium of Federal Government Circulars 1978-2015 Vol. 1’ by Deputy Director and Head of Audit, National Commission for Museum and Monuments, Abdulkerim O. Kadiri, were launched in Abuja.
Kadiri said: “The desire for me to write these books arouse from the fact that effective from 2010, the Federal Government of Nigeria has been making considerable efforts toward strengthening accountability, transparency, honesty and Probity in Public Financial Management (PFM) in Nigeria.”
He added that: “Towards this end, the government has made many initiatives that will bring about speedy, accurate and complete recording of accounting transactions that will lead to the preparation of Financial Statements that will show ‘true and fair’ view of government stewardship.”
The author said these initiatives were also aimed at exterminating and reducing corruption in public financial management to the lowest ebb and thus leading to better corporate governance and delivery of dividend of democracy to the Nigerian citizens.
Describing the books as a call to accountants and others to read, Prof. Famous Izedomi, reviewer of the books said that by successfully writing them, the author, had sent out an implied general message to all about the power of books.
Izedomi said: “The Compendium of Federal Treasury Circulars in Nigeria: 1978-2015 represents not only a sound collection trend in government circulars but very reliable current issues that can guide action, or contribute as a reference material.”
According to him, the books challenge to others to write.
“There were very smart and great scholars, practitioners name them yesteryears but today little or nothing is heard about them, their knowledge and contributions to the profession or field of knowledge and learning because they failed to document or engrave their thoughts,” Professor of Accounting and Dean of Management Sciences, of the University of Benin, said.
He added that: “Kadiri’s has documented his ideas and thoughts in these well packaged books: he has helped to preserve our accounting history and practices in the public sector.”
Gombe State governor, Alhaji Ibrahim Dankwambo, said the two books are a must read. Commending the author, he said some of the challenges in governance today are as a result of improper documentation.
According to Dankwambo: “Sometimes, it is not the system that cause problems but the people in the system; by this singular effort of Kadiri, we now have a document that can help us do better.
“The issues like the Treasury Singular Account, Government Integrated Financial Management Information System and others started far back in 2005.
Commending the author for compiling the Federal Treasury Circulars in Nigeria from 1978 to 2015, he said: “it will serve as an eye opener for financial experts, especially those in public sector.”