Adapting to real estate video marketing

It is a known fact that in most developed economies of the world, 60 per cent of buyers find their new homes and properties online. The world is unarguably living in a time where real estate prospects and consumers have little or no time to read voluminous marketing contents as being developed by real estate […]

Adapting to real estate video marketing
Adapting to real estate video marketing

It is a known fact that in most developed economies of the world, 60 per cent of buyers find their new homes and properties online.

The world is unarguably living in a time where real estate prospects and consumers have little or no time to read voluminous marketing contents as being developed by real estate firms and agencies. With well engaging video marketing with rich content, the prospects and clients will be engrossed and listen to the marketing communication content.

In a nutshell, video marketing encompasses all the online videos as developed and uploaded by a brand to emotionally connect, and engage consumers, catch their attention, and convert them to clients. In the case of real estate firms, video marketing allows them to uniquely display the selling propositions of the property or services being rendered in short and captivating video ads. Consumers remember more of the emotion scum contents seen in ads and video than the contents they read.

In the real estate market space, when a new product (property) is being marketed through video marketing, the impression and conversion rate is always high, especially when the video contents are placed before the right audience. Good content optimisation across the social media handles of the firm is advised in this regard in order to achieve efficiency and bottom-changing figures for the firm. Estate firms should ensure that their video marketing contents are of high quality and emotionally engaging for easy conversion. Over the years, studies have shown that as a real estate firm, you have more potential customers online than offline.

As the real estate marketing landscape keeps changing, bridging the knowledge gap for video marketing skills in most real state firms is not only a marketing strategy, but a growth strategy to optimally remain in business. For forward thinking real estate firms and agencies, hiring, training and retraining of real estate marketing communication professionals is a must. Big firms with the economic potential of engaging media and marketing agencies should leverage that. Embracing these practices can set the stage for a highly successful real estate marketing campaign that stands out in a competitive market.

In the very near future, video marketing will become a veritable marketing communication tool for market engagement in all segments of the local and global real estate space. With the advent of social media marketing, which is revolutionising the entire business landscape, the onus is on real estate firms and professionals to quickly adapt to the new changes and profitably remain in business.

Esv. Agatha Itohan Omelime, an estate surveyor and valuer, wrote from Lagos