Addressing the menace of drug abuse

Drug abuse has become one of the major issues that constitute great danger to the present world order. It is the primary reason why many youths are incarcerated, as well as a source of crime and health problems.  It has become such an unprecedented problem in Nigeria that the number of youths incarcerated in various […]

Addressing the menace of drug abuse
Addressing the menace of drug abuse

Drug abuse has become one of the major issues that constitute great danger to the present world order. It is the primary reason why many youths are incarcerated, as well as a source of crime and health problems. 

It has become such an unprecedented problem in Nigeria that the number of youths incarcerated in various prisons across the country has increased dramatically over the last few decades.  

The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has, over the years, been actively involved in launching campaigns to mobilise support for drug control. The UNODC often teams up with other organisations and encourages people in society to actively take part in these campaigns. 

The drug abuse and drug trafficking indicator across the world is quite awful. For instance, data from AUNODC reveals that almost 200 million people are using illicit drugs such as cocaine, cannabis, hallucinogens, opiates and sedative hypnotics globally. 

Likewise, drug trafficking has developed into a foremost hazard to the health and security of people and nations across the globe. Indeed, there is a strong link between drug abuse and rising wave of terrorism across the world. 

In West Africa, the $85 billion global cocaine trade worsens addiction and money-laundering, political instability and insecurity. 

Ironically, a lot of money is involved in this criminal business. For every $1 billion of unadulterated cocaine that is trafficked through West Africa, more than ten times as much is earned when it is sold in the European market. 

The reality, thus, is that we are talking about a business that involves huge amounts of money and as such might be very difficult to eliminate except appropriate strategies and political will are exerted by relevant stakeholders. 

In Africa, of late, concerns are rife over drug abuse, especially among the youth. Years ago, such worries were almost none existing.  However, a radical change seems to have taken place over the years when illegal trafficking and abuse of drugs silently crept into the society. 

There is a consensus of opinion that this new trend was preceded and accompanied by steady and unavoidable erosion of traditionally social fabric and values. The African family, recognised in its extended form, occupied a primate and central position in this social system. 

Sadly, however, this system is disintegrating. Social disintegration is also accelerating under the adverse influences of growing poverty, civil war, tribal conflicts, droughts and other natural catastrophes which lead to famine and massive displacement of populations, creating a situation in which drug abuse worsens rapidly. 

As the world grapples with the menace of drug abuse and allied matters, it is important to stress, especially for the youth who are deeply ensnared by the evil habit, that breaking the addiction is the only way to triumph over the problems of abuse. 

Parents, religious and community leaders as well as educational institutions can make a huge difference in stemming the tide of drug abuse and trafficking in our nation. Parents, in particular, need to spend more time with their children and properly tutor them on the danger that illegal use or sale of illicit drugs constitutes to their future. 

All stakeholders in the war against drug abuse must constantly draw global attention to the significance of addressing the menace. Governments at all levels have a task to counteract both drug trafficking and drug abuse, but communities can also make a major contribution. 

As earlier stated, families, schools, civil society and religious organisations have a part to play in ridding the society of the nuisance of drugs. The Private sector could help in providing legitimate livelihoods for the youth who have come to depend on drug trafficking as a source of income. The media equally has a role to play in raising awareness about the threat of living a drug-dependent life. 

Realistically, the task of checkmating drug abuse and illicit trafficking in drugs is quite enormous. But then, huge success can be attained if all stakeholders across the world reinforce their commitment to tackling this twin evil. 

Tayo Ogunbiyi is Deputy Director, Public Affairs, Ministry of Information & Strategy, Alausa, Ikeja