Adieu, Gani

The indefatigable fighter for human rights, Chief Gani Fawehinmi is no more with us. The scourge of dictators and bad leaders has gone to the great beyond where we pray he finds rest from the irritating problems of Nigeria. We shall miss our hero. He has been a role model and a fine lawyer who […]

Adieu, Gani
Adieu, Gani

The indefatigable fighter for human rights, Chief Gani Fawehinmi is no more with us. The scourge of dictators and bad leaders has gone to the great beyond where we pray he finds rest from the irritating problems of Nigeria. We shall miss our hero. He has been a role model and a fine lawyer who dedicated his life to fighting for the weak and downtrodden. Shall we have another to fill the great shoes he left behind? Shall we find another that will stand up to vile leadership? Shall we have another that will set the standard for decency and respect for human dignity? This is a great loss to all of us. May God have mercy on him.