Afenifere: Count Yoruba nation out if democracy fails in Nigeria

This position was contained in the communiqué released in Ibadan on Wednesday as the outcome of the social discourse organised by the group to “sensitise and mobilise Yoruba voters” for the forthcoming general elections.The communiqué, signed by the group’s national chairman Olawale Oshun said “Yoruba people would wish, as we are now, to be part […]

Afenifere: Count Yoruba nation out if democracy fails in Nigeria
Afenifere: Count Yoruba nation out if democracy fails in Nigeria

This position was contained in the communiqué released in Ibadan on Wednesday as the outcome of the social discourse organised by the group to “sensitise and mobilise Yoruba voters” for the forthcoming general elections.
The communiqué, signed by the group’s national chairman Olawale Oshun said “Yoruba people would wish, as we are now, to be part of a democratic, well-governed and truly federal Nigeria, in all intents and purposes.
“However, we warn that if for any reason, Nigeria is schemed to become a banana and undemocratic republic, with the muzzling of its democratic institutions as demonstrated by this polls shift, and/or if Nigeria were to be divided in any manner, we would as a people opt out to become a democratic nation as would be acceptable by our people,” it said.
It said: “We suspect that the postponement is about something more sinister, the first being that it might be grounds to prepare a soft surface for a sympathetic group within the Armed Forces to take over the reins of power.
“Also, anyone who is thinking that the balkanization of the country on the premises of North and South could be a way out should better think deeply. The Yoruba people would not be part of any such balkanized unit; it is definitely not one we would demand as a change,” it added.