Africa may yet save the world! (1)

It was evident, with the prosecution and conclusion of the Libyan war – a disagreement and discontentment which was escalated to a war situation by fiendish western countries, in which they spent so much money and dropped at least 26,000 bombs – that western countries have reached their tether’s end, economically, morally and socially.  It […]

Africa may yet save the world! (1)
Africa may yet save the world! (1)

It was evident, with the prosecution and conclusion of the Libyan war – a disagreement and discontentment which was escalated to a war situation by fiendish western countries, in which they spent so much money and dropped at least 26,000 bombs – that western countries have reached their tether’s end, economically, morally and socially.  It is evident that right-thinking peoples of the world must step forward and bravely seize the reins of world direction from those western leaders who have totally lost their consciences and who daily swim in the blood of the innocent.  Libya was a genocide of immense proportions and we are shouting now, because these heartless leaders of so-called developed countries will not bat an eyelid to wreak such havoc and more, on any other country that catches their fancy, and whose resources they are direly in need of.  Black African countries and peoples are simply the most dispensable!

But it goes slightly farther than that.  In the wake of the gruesome murder of African Philosopher King, Gaddafi, and the hyping by the fraudulent, western-intelligence saturated mainstream media, of some senseless democratic fervor across the globe, many unthinking African peoples, especially so-called intelligent and intellectual Nigerians, sank further into the eternal mistake of accepting and assuming that ‘democracy is the best form of government’, and that it should therefore, not be considered for scrutiny in African countries.  Many have repeated the mantra that ‘a leader must quit when the people are tired of him’, or that ‘real power belongs to the people’.  It is so sad that we live in the grand age of deceit, where the rulers of the world have foisted illusions on the vast majority of the people, where oppressors have successfully passed off themselves as benign guardian angels, and where true heroes are murdered in broad daylight, while those whom they benefit cheer on in orgiastic glee!  What a world.  It is Africa I pity.

Shortly after the latest onslaught of fraudulent ‘democracy’, African countries were threatened by no less that the United Kingdom, that they would now fully consent to gay marriages, or else lose billions of Pounds Sterling which would have come as much-needed aid to these poor countries.  In the first place, the so-called aid being peddled by the UK and the rest, are actually and truthfully, monies stolen off the so-called poor African countries!  So they are doing us no favours.  Our relationship with the western countries, in this era of their own civilization has been one of cheating and dishonesty.  African resources were looted back in the day, and many of such resources were laundered over several generations of pirate/robber families.  A few months ago, a Queen Idia Mask from the ancient Benin Kingdom, stolen by a certain Lt. Col. Galway when he raided Benin and deposed Oba Ovoranmwen, was put up for auction at Sothebys in London, for a princely sum of 4.5million Pound Sterling.  In Naira terms, that is over a billion!  We do not know how many masks are out there.  So enough of this condescension towards Africa, and the brazen attempt to damage our social structure in the name of the ill-gotten, blood stained wealth of western countries!

Luckily, countries like Nigeria and Ghana are finding it very difficult to pass through this ‘devilish’ proposal to allow men to marry men and women marry women.  This is because these perversions are simply alien, totally alien to our cultures.  President Mills of Ghana, came out in categorical terms to denounce the UK and its hopeless policy, but our president is still tongue-tied and lame!  Some so-called intellectuals and ‘exposed’ Nigerians (usually diasporans) believe that the state should not ban gay marriage as it is not its business what two people do behind closed doors.  My counterargument is that the same people who are asking the state to approve their marriages are the ones intruding on our privacy and sanity in Black Africa.  They may choose to keep practicing their perversion of humanity, but strictly keep us and our little children out of it!

Readers would have noticed that there has been so much hoax about world population hitting 7billion lately.  In the first place, it is merely a conjecture.  Even the UNFPA is not sure of exactly what the world population is.  They are not even sure of what the Chinese population is and China is purportedly the most populated country on earth!  Why?  China will not let anyone know its population, for strategic reasons.  Those are thinking peoples.  Here, we cannot even conduct a plausible census, and the shams that we conduct are funded and guided by them.

In summary, this is what is happening in the world as we speak; powerful countries are dead broke.  Why are they broke?  It is because of capitalism gone wrong!  A few of their rich men have pocketed all the money and their societies are suffering!  The western countries are broke simply because of GREED, WICKEDNESS, DISHONESTY, CORRUPTION, PERVERSION ON THE PART OF THEIR LEADERS ESPECIALLY!  All the economic palliatives they have tried have fallen flat on their faces and they are getting increasingly desperate.  So what to do?

They come up with a plan.  It has been going on for too long anyway.  They blame it on Africa and its overpopulation and so-called ‘backwardness’.  The media helps them along, complicit as ever!  They brainwash everybody else – their own people, African countries, everybody.  For Africa, the agenda is to tell them that only the systems of government practiced in the West can work.  Once Africans buy into that, they reduce their own self-worth, and will gradually take in every other rubbish manufactured in the diseased minds of western leaders.  So they begin to push things like gay marriage.  Once we have accepted systems of government in all totality, why not sexual orientation?  The western leaders have for some reason, since made it out to look like it was a modern thing to do to be gay or lesbian, or bisexual or to do a sex change from male to female or vice versa.  The same people who sold the Bible to us and told us about Sodom and Gommorah are busy trying to create Sodom and Gomorrah in every country.  I think it is a prelude for them to destroy the world and leave those left wondering whether it was God!  I think the white man is trying to really play God in our lives!

The next level of the strategy runs concurrently.  We are merely the victims.  That level has to do with this mantra that our population is too high.  Says who?  How are they sure?  What was all that hullaballoo about the world population hitting 7 billion when no one was sure?  Why all these recent documentaries that focus on the pregnancy of women in Africa?  Yes, they are preparing us for multi-level destruction which they want to unleash.  By accepting their propaganda that we are too many, we are merely capitulating to their idea that WE CAN NEVER ACHIEVE ANYTHING GOOD WITH OUR POPULATION.  Yet our population is a great advantage, if only we were productive and united.  The white man (through his leaders), has gone mad!  Perhaps Africa will save the world.  More next week

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