Again, Ramadan is here

As at the time of submitting this piece, the crescent for the month of Ramadan hasn’t been sighted. But given the count for the lunar month of Sha’ban in addition to the forecast by meteorologists in the country, it was envisaged that Muslims are most likely to begin this year’s Ramadan fast today. If our […]

Again, Ramadan is here

As at the time of submitting this piece, the crescent for the month of Ramadan hasn’t been sighted. But given the count for the lunar month of Sha’ban in addition to the forecast by meteorologists in the country, it was envisaged that Muslims are most likely to begin this year’s Ramadan fast today. If our guess is right, we give glory too Allah (SWT), Lord of the worlds. We give sincere gratitude to Him who made it possible for us to bid farewell to Ramadan last year, and in His infinite mercy, spared ourlives to yet witness the 1438AH Ramadan fast.

The special attributes and status granted to this holy month by Allah (SWT) does not only make it unique among other months but also portrayit as a remarkable period of worship, which every Muslim strives to take advantage of. It was in this month, Ramadan, that the holy Qur’an was revealed to humanity through the seal of prophethood and messengerhood, Muhammad (SAW). It is in the month of Ramadan that the religious seclusion called I’itikaf can exclusively be observed; meaning that there can be no I’itikaf without Ramadan. 

It is also in the month of Ramadan that a night that is greater in value than a thousand ordinary nights is found. That is the night of Laylatul-Qadr. Only in this month are Tarawih prayers observed. Why then should Muslims not celebrate the coming, once again, of Ramadan? Indeed, Ramadan is the best of times in the life of a Muslim.One other distinctive feature of Ramadan fast is that Allah (SWT) Himself gives the reward for it.

Ramadan fast is one of the fundamental pillar of Islam. Fasting during the month of Ramadan was made obligatory (wajib) during the month of Sha’ban in the second year after the Prophet (SAW) migrated along with other Muslims from Makkah to Madinah. Allah (SWT) states in the Qur’an 2:183 ‘O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you; that may (learn) self-restraint’.

Muslims should strive to observe the fast with strict adherence to laid down rules governing this revered act of worship. The six authentic compilers of hadith all relate on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (RA) who reports that the Prophet (SAW) said, ‘Fasting is a protection for you. So when you fast, do not behave obscenely or foolishly. And if anyone argues with you or insults you, say, ‘I am fasting, I am fasting’. 

Muslims are encouraged to exercise moderation in their feeding habits as well as lifestyle during breakfast (described as Iftar in Arabic) as well aswhile taking the early morning food (called Sahur in Arabic). Over-feeding especially at the time of breaking the fast prevents or inhibits the over-fed from waking up at night to engage in other additional forms of devotion such as observing superogatory (nafilat) prayers, recitation of the holy Qur’an and glorifying Allah (SWT). 

At the start of Ramadan every year, it is usual of traders of essential commodities in pats of Nigeria to increase the prices of foodstuff which since the inception of economic recession have been on the high side. Sugar, fruits, beverages and Irish potatoes are some of the items which prices are usually skyrocketed. We call on this group of dealers to abandon greed and resist the temptation to take undue advantage of the Ramadan season to make usurious profits. 

As we observe the Ramadan fast, lest us remember our brothers and sisters who were caught up in the web of Boko Haram tragedy and have consequently been living in Internally Displaced Persons’ (IDP) camps in different parts of the country. Ramadan is a period during which Muslims are required to demonstrate the virtues of charity, kindness and hospitality especially to the indigent members of the society including the IDPs. While it is obvious that substantial successes have been recorded in the fight against Boko Haram insurgents particularly in the north-east Nigeria,Muslims are enjoined to support Nigerian troops with prayers throughout this holy season so that they would be able to clear remnants of the insurgents lurking around Sambisa forest and within the civilian population too.

Philanthropic individuals, groups, government and non-governmental organisations are urged to organize or support public breaking of Ramadan fast (referred to as iftarjama’Iin Arabic)for under-privileged Muslims. It is sad, however, to note that some beneficiaries of this kind of interventions have in the past abused such provisions.At the National Mosque in Abuja where, for instance, such an arrangement exists, persons who could afford three-square meals have been seen on queue; struggling and sometimes fighting to collect food or snacks for breaking the fast. Those who deceptively engage in this act are advised to fear Allah (SWT) and eschew this sort of discreditable pretence so that the meal(s) provided by sponsors of the free Ramadan feeding would reach a larger number of persons for whom the programme is intended.

We admonish scholars, preachers, prayer leaders, speakers, tafsir (Qur’anic commentary) presenters, anchors of radio and television programmes to avoid the use of provocative and un-courteous expressions during their public preaching sessions. They are enjoined to exhibit a high sense of intellectual maturity in the course of educating their audience on the teachings of Islam. Wisdom and good speech, not name-calling or insults, are central to effective and popular religious proselytization. May Allah (SWT)guide us spiritually, physically and financiallyto observe the Ramadan fast in peace and with ease, amin.

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