Agile Innovation is the key to unlocking Nigerian Organisations’ Success in these volatile times

In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous context which currently characterises the operating context of Nigeria, organisations must be flexible. If your organisation is too rigid, then it will fail. Rapid changes are occurring – in technology and in the economy – only flexible organizations will adapt to these changes and succeed; this gives them […]

Agile Innovation is the key to unlocking Nigerian Organisations’ Success in these volatile times

In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous context which currently characterises the operating context of Nigeria, organisations must be flexible. If your organisation is too rigid, then it will fail. Rapid changes are occurring – in technology and in the economy – only flexible organizations will adapt to these changes and succeed; this gives them a massive advantage over more-rigid organizations.  While 70% of change initiatives fail; this should not deter leaders from discontinuing policies that do not work and implementing viable alternatives driven by innovation. Innovations could include improvement in process, culture, people and performance, all of which are vital sources of competitive advantage.

Furthermore, for organisations to succeed, survive and grow in today’s turbulent environment, leaders urgently need to understand, embrace and deploy disruptive technologies.  While leaders know that they need to innovate or die, the billion-naira question is how can they succeed via strategic innovation?

Texem, UK has an impeccable track record of training over 4000 executives and contributing to nation-building and wealth creation in Africa and the UK via programmes that add value. Building on Texem’s tested and proven methodology of designing programmes that reflects the contextual nuances of operating in Africa, the organisation presents Designing a flexible Organisation and engaging innovative ideas for a competitive edge programme. Thus, Texem invites you to join world-leading Professor Rodria Laline-Visiting Professor of Harvard, Insead and IESE and Chair of Intrabond Capital in Lagos.

Professor Rodria Laline has been CEO of global research and development collaborations with IBM, ING, Hewlett-Packard, Digital Equipment Corporation, Honeywell Bull, Elsevier Science, Oracle Corporation, Siemens and Philips. She was the co-founder of the Global Chipcard Alliance and board member of the Open Software Foundation and developed the intellectual property that is used in every ATM card globally. Professor Rodria founded Intrabond Capital and Intrabond Holdings with offices in San Francisco, Shanghai, Hong Kong and New York.

VENUE: Lekki Hall, RadissonBlu Anchorage Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Topic: Designing a Flexible Organisation and Engaging Innovative Ideas for a Competitive Edge

DateAugust 28th -29th 2019

For more information, please visit here

Executives who attend this programme will learn

  • How to apply creative thinking techniques to overcome challenges.
  • How to implement creative problem-solving models to drive profitable innovation.
  • How to effectively diagnose problems and turn challenges into business opportunities
  • How to develop and implement successful strategies that harness opportunities from organisational limitations
  • How to develop winning strategies
  • How to align leadership and strategy for effective governance?


  •  To work in all dimensions of being an effective leader
  •  To engage stakeholders with unconventional methods
  • Develop new insights on how to learn and thrive in a volatile and uncertain future shaped by digital and non-digital disruptions.
  • Understand how to reconceptualise your strategy to leverage core competence, to transform people and capabilities for enduring success


 Cost:720,000 Naira (save on travel as the programme would be delivered in Nigeria, the price reflects flights, hotel accommodation and an honorarium of world-renowned faculty).


Themes that would be covered

  • Analyzing organizational position in the industry


  • Strategies for effective governance


  • Building organizational resilience when the economic climate is unfavourable


  • Harnessing competition as a source of continued innovation


  • Leadership in crisis: avoid lasting damage to an organization’s reputation


  • Why some strategies work and others fail


  • Developing an innovative mindset for organisational success


  • Evaluating, innovating and transforming the business model,


  • Creating an innovative and profitable organisation via culture, structure and strategy


  • The superiority of an ambidextrous organization: Lessons from case studies


  • Elevating “speed & creativity” and embracing “frugality, scale & productivity.”


  • Moving outside the conventional activities of leading

Upon completion of this programme, participants would learn how to manage process, culture, people and performance for achieving a tremendous competitive advantage and economic success of their organization. Delegates would also gain actionable insights on how to develop strategic outcomes sustainably by embedding artificial intelligence, virtual reality, algorithms, big and deep data via the active introduction of strategic innovation and a culture of intrepreneurship.



“It’s very insightful and a worthy programme on Leadership and Executive Management. It has opened my eyes to understanding that to be an effective leader, you also have to be an effective follower. I need to surround myself with people better than me and learn from them”. Akeem Muriokunola, Lagos State, Head of Service.

“I’m not surprised because I know the pedigree of TEXEM. The beautiful thing about TEXEM is that they adapt their Training courses to take into Cognisance the Environment in which they operate”. Kolade Aiyelabola, Associate Director, Oak Pensions.

“The programme is an excellent one. It’s a world-class Institute. Looking at the quality of Materials, the quality of the Facilitators, I think it’s a world class programme, it could be anywhere in the world and it’s a good standard”. Glory O. Idehen, Director of E-Training, C.B.N.