Ahead of the Aayatul Kubra

‘Yes I know but one can’t ever be sure, so I take extra precautions so as to have you just where I need you.’ I joked back, rising from the prayer mat and removing my hijab.‘Really, so what is it about me that causes you to doubt my eternal devotion?’ He asked, dragging my hand […]

Ahead of the Aayatul Kubra
Ahead of the Aayatul Kubra

‘Yes I know but one can’t ever be sure, so I take extra precautions so as to have you just where I need you.’ I joked back, rising from the prayer mat and removing my hijab.
‘Really, so what is it about me that causes you to doubt my eternal devotion?’ He asked, dragging my hand to have me seated next to him on the bed.
‘Your enchanting smile is one and a lot of the other stuff that won me over when we met. Then there are the desperate women out there who can’t resist a packaging such as yours.’ I answered, flirtatiously.
‘Wow lucky me, so because of this you chose the forenoon prayer to desperately pour your heart out to Allah, to have Him safeguard my heart for you?’ he enquired, smiling.
‘Nope.’ I replied, smiling back. ‘Sorry to disappoint you, but today I dedicated my walaha prayer to an evil whose spread is frightening and can only be checked by fervent prayers.’ I explained.
‘An evil whose spread is frightening?’ he repeated, ‘where?’
‘All over the world, but more worrying is its appearance in the circle of the supposedly learned. Just read this, it is self-explanatory’ I said, handing him my android phone, whose screen was opened to a page with the headline “World’s first openly gay Imam speaks out.”
‘What?’ Tahir asked in shock ‘Where is this from?’
‘From the US of course, but that isn’t the worst part. To me the worst part is his claim that his lifestyle is not frowned on in Islam. He wants to make people believe that there is no punishment for it in Islam, that homophobic people and governments are the ones promoting the culture of punishment for homosexuality. His advocacy is so disturbing, it makes a mockery of everything Islam teaches against this unnatural and disgusting sin.’ I lamented.
‘Kai, but this is bad.’ Tahir observed, returning the phone back to me after reading the piece. ‘What more will they claim?’
‘I wonder. Personally I don’t believe these people are Muslims, they are just people who think because there are gay Christian clergy who officiate religious events, there should be such perverts among Muslim clerics. As you have seen, this so-called imam calls himself Abdullah but believe me he is nowhere near a real Abdullah. If he was he wouldn’t stand the teachings of Islam on their head by proclaiming to be a gay leader of the Islamic prayer.’ I argued.
‘Yes, I think he is one of those globalist agents who want to do away with religion not by stopping its practice but by perverting its teachings. Such people have to be exposed.’ Tahir concurred.
‘My sentiments exactly, if we don’t expose them you know how the rest of the world turns into immediate copy-cats once something is begun in the US.  Look at the   all-women mosque that was opened in Los Angeles for instance, already some organizations in Britain are planning to do the same thing. And like I argued when we discussed that mosque, organizations like Al-Faatiha will now use such platforms to spread their sinful and perverted ideas which favour homosexuality. Now just when we thought that was as bad as it can get, a gay imam arises to mislead the world further into perversion.’ I observed.
‘I think we have to accept this for what it is, the signs of the end of the world. We have all read that homosexuality and many other social ills will become so widespread and audacious as to openly challenge morality and decent living. These are all heralds of the Aayatul Kubra.’ Tahir declared.
‘The Aayatul Kubra?’ I asked.
‘Yes, the major signs of the end of the world. They include the return of Prophet Isa (AS), the coming of Dajjal (the anti-chirst), the rising of the sun from the West etc. But according to the prophecies of Rasulillah SAW, before the advent of these heralds there will be widespread immorality of the type we see today, needless violence and bloodshed, also like what we are witnessing today and the shamelessness and perversion that obtains in homosexuality, which is also prevalent in the Western world but could soon become a global phenomenon if we don’t check it.’ Tahir predicted.
‘This must be it then. Otherwise I can’t understand why a Blackman in his sixties, a man who claimed to have been a champion of the civil rights movement of the 1960s, someone who should be a respected senior citizen by now, will suddenly turn around and declare himself a homosexual. Though he qualifies his immorality by saying he is a learned Islamic scholar, we must not let people like him get away with slandering Islam. He must be exposed for the liar and pervert that he is.’ I proffered.
‘Yes he must, but how do you plan to go about it? Tahir asked.
‘You know, before long his story will be seen all over the world. People with very little knowledge of the religion might feel obliged to believe his lies. We therefore hope to engage knowledgeable scholars to write us an informed treatise on the place of homosexuality within Islam. Before I started the forenoon prayer, I had called the Amira of our Da’awa group and told her about this.
We agreed to get these scholars to dispute the claims of this immoral imam and to debunk his theories about punishment for gays being a homophobic act. They will discuss the history of the people of Prophet Lut, ie the dwellers of Sodom, who were the first group of gays in the world and also discuss the grievous punishment Almighty Allah sent to them before He, SWT, turned their town upside down with them in it.
These scholars will also discuss the various hadiths of Prophet Muhammad SAW, in which he categorically named the punishment for sodomy and also instructed that both the weaker and the stronger partner should be stoned to death for they are both equal in crime. The treatise must disprove all the claims of this lying pervert and show that Islam does indeed condemn homosexuality and has prescribed punishment, in the Sharia, for people caught in the act.’ I concluded.
‘That’s a very good step to take Bint. But also encourage your group to organize lectures for our youth who daily read such misleading stuff on the internet and might be tempted to believe such, especially when they were the words of a supposed imam. I mean people like us are old enough to know when Islam is being misrepresented but our young children are just learning about it, if they fall into the hands of the wrong scholars, we can easily lose them. We must concentrate our efforts into enlightening them about gays and the danger they pose to our spiritual and worldly lives.’ He advised.
‘Of course darling, why did you think my hands were raised in desperate supplication when you came in? I was praying hard to Almighty Allah to save our young ones from the clutches of these sinful people.’ I replied, assuring him.