Akwa Ibom Stadium: Nigeria’s gift to global sports

Come November 6, the Akwa Ibom Stadium complex will be unveiled to the global sports community at a ceremony to be performed by President Goodluck Jonathan.The Home-based Super Eagles are expected to trade tackle with a North African team at the rush-green ultra-modern sports arena as part of activities to mark the official opening ceremony […]

Akwa Ibom Stadium: Nigeria’s gift to global sports
Akwa Ibom Stadium: Nigeria’s gift to global sports

Come November 6, the Akwa Ibom Stadium complex will be unveiled to the global sports community at a ceremony to be performed by President Goodluck Jonathan.
The Home-based Super Eagles are expected to trade tackle with a North African team at the rush-green ultra-modern sports arena as part of activities to mark the official opening ceremony on November 6.
Akwa Ibom Stadium has the reputation of being a world-class stadium in view of the quality of facilities available at the sport arena.
Located in Uyo, the state’s capital city, the stadium is a replica of the famous First National Bank (FNB) Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa that played host to the finals of the 2010 FIFA World Cup and the 2013 Orange Africa Cup of Nations.
With a sitting capacity of 30, 076 spectators, the stadium also boasts of facilities for other sports like athletics, while many others are still being put in place.
While conducting reporters round the facility recently, the stadium’s Consultant Manager Arch Ime Ekpo said the stadium is one of the best sporting facilities in Africa. In Nigeria, he explained that stadium is second to the Abuja National Stadium built in 2003 to host the All Africa Games.
Ekpo said the main bowl of the stadium, which sits 30, 000 spectators, is divided into four sections on two tier design, with the west stand accommodating the grand stand.
The grand stand on level zero has the parking area, the changing room, dope room, the athletes’ area, the doctors room and toilet facilities meant for athletes. On level one are the business lounges for Very Important Personalities (VIP), then on level two are 90 fully bullet-proof VVIP lounges, including the governor’s lounge, while on level four is the cubicle for the media.
The seats ate the stadium are of international standard, measuring 105 by 68 metres (105x68m) with natural grass, and there is also an area for handicapped persons to enter and watch sports activities going on.
There are also toilet facilities in the tribune for spectators in the popular stand. The score board is one of its types in the country, as it affords the cameramen the opportunity to shoot video right from there.
The flood lights at the arena are also different from the traditional ones used in the country, as the 300 flood lights at the Akwa Ibom Stadium with 200 capacity watts each are laid under the ceiling.
In terms of security and terrorism, the stadium is equipped with cameras that have the capacity to capture text messages being sent out from the arena.
The stadium also boasts of 30 emergency exit points, which if added up to 62 the exit routes and doors, will altogether provide 92 exit points for spectators and athletes.
In case of evacuation during emergency cases, all the over 30, 000 people ate the stadium will be able to leave the scene within six minutes of the incident.