Al-Faatiha resurrects?

‘No, I’m just trying to finish reading something I received. That’s not exactly like being on the phone.’ I replied, smiling in the semi-darkness.‘I think I will have to delete your Whatsapp account to make sure you stop this needless late night vigil.’ He complained reaching out to snatch my phone.‘Please let me reach the […]

Al-Faatiha resurrects?
Al-Faatiha resurrects?

‘No, I’m just trying to finish reading something I received. That’s not exactly like being on the phone.’ I replied, smiling in the semi-darkness.
‘I think I will have to delete your Whatsapp account to make sure you stop this needless late night vigil.’ He complained reaching out to snatch my phone.
‘Please let me reach the end’ I pleaded, moving away just in time to escape his outstretched hand. ‘It’s not even a Whatsapp message. It is an email I received from your friend Ismail. I was just about to put off my phone when it came in. when I began to read it I couldn’t stop because there are many shades of opinion attached.’ I explained.
‘If my friend Ismail can send you an email so captivating you have to remain awake and read it at half past midnight, then he is more your friend than mine isn’t he?’ Tahir observed with irony.
‘Maybe he decided to send it to me only because it’s something that concerns women alone. And given the epileptic nature of our internet services, he might have sent it hours ago but it only came in at midnight. Anyway, I was kept awake not by the captivating contents of the email, but by a desire to know what the ulama have to say about the entire phenomenon. I, for one, am not for it and actually feel scared by it.’ I replied.
‘And what phenomenon is that?’ he asked.
‘It is the new all-women juma’at mosque that was opened in Los Angeles, USA. It’s a mosque complete with a female Imam and deputy.
Except for boys below the age of twelve, all members of the congregation are, of course, female.’ I explained.
‘That sounds like taking the Islamic segregation of the sexes a bit too far but it must be dictated by their circumstances; maybe such a step is necessary there.’ Tahir speculated.
‘Maybe it is, but like you the ulama debating it think it is taking the segregation beyond normal limits and I agree with them. Such innovations in religion can have unforeseen negative consequences.’ I opined.
‘I’m sure the people behind this mosque have weighed the pros and cons of the move before they made it. And if it is night time where they are, they most likely are enjoying their beauty sleep while you are here agonizing over what does not affect you. Put that phone down and let us get some sleep, will you?’ he ordered.
‘Yes, I will. In two minutes in sha Allah. Like I said both male and female Muslim scholars have been consulted and their differing views are all very interesting. I can’t fall asleep not knowing what they all had to say. So far I am encouraged by those who say they disapprove of it but I also want to know what those who approve of the step think. I mean it’s hard to believe that anyone can accept such an innovation within Islam.’ I argued.
‘And why not? I told you it must have been dictated by the circumstances they live in. Why is it so important for the ulama to agree with you? I told you this whole thing doesn’t concern you. It is an incident in the US affecting only the Muslims there. Learn to accept that.’ He countered.
‘You don’t understand Tahir, people all over the world today are just copy-cats. If this thing is allowed to go on there, many other countries will follow suit. Soon it will be a global fashion to have an all-women mosque, especially since it was begun in the US, the world’s so-called superpower. And my fear in all this is that it will be the fastest way for disguised feminists to infiltrate and push their ideas upon an unsuspecting Muslim audience. If groups like Al-Faatiha had operated as semi-secret organizations before, they will now come out, so to say, and spread their perverted theories on a legitimate platform.’ I cautioned.
‘How can a group called Al-Faatiha be spreading pervert teachings?
Don’t get paranoid Bint.’ Tahir warned.
‘No, but this isn’t paranoia’ I said rising up to sit on the bed.
‘Al-Faatiha is or was a group of perverts parading themselves as Muslims. Their website says they are an association of Muslim gays, lesbians and transsexuals. They sought to justify their unnatural and sinful lifestyle using Islamic tenets. It was also US-based. You might recall that day, over a decade ago, that you returned home in the afternoon and found me engaged in a very long sujud (prostration).
You joked that having won your heart, what else was I desperately praying to Almighty Allah for with that long sujud? I told you I was praying that hard because something that was sent to my inbox had caused me a lot of distress. I remember telling you that I was totally disturbed by the development and couldn’t understand why people should go out of their way to justify homosexuality within Islam. That was the first time I encountered Al-Faatiha.
Later on I visited their website and saw them announcing an annual convention during which many prominent speakers will address them.
Among those billed to speak at that convention was Professor Amina Wadud, the first woman to lead the juma’ah prayer in the US. Do you now see where I am coming from? If the same people who began the quest for a woman leading the juma’ah prayer are also very accommodating of perverts like the members of Al-Faatiha, you can just imagine what they will do by the time they succeed in setting up an all-women mosque.
They will surely infiltrate the congregation, if not the clergy itself, and make sure they push forward their extremely feminist and perverted agendas. And before we know it Al-Faatiha will be resurrected, this time with the hidden legitimacy of a mosque platform.’ I concluded.
‘Yes, I remember the episode of your long sujud, and you are right to be worried Bint but to me there is nothing worse than the name they chose. Al-Fatiha is the name of the first chapter of the holy Qur’an.
It is so meritorious Almighty Allah equalized it with the rest of the book when He said ‘We have given you the seven oft-repeated verses (Suratul Fatiha) and the Glorious Qur’an’ Al-Hijr verse 87. It’s spiritual and medicinal benefits are also numerous, yet this group of immoral idiots chose it to name themselves. Surely they are making a mockery of the Holy Revelation. For this alone they should be exposed as not only hardened sinners but people who have ridiculed Islam.’ Tahir declared.
‘Yes hubby darling and the only way we can do that is to start out-rightly denouncing this all-women mosque affair. Let us call it an unnecessary innovation and one that could have disastrous consequences. We will highlight the possibility that it could be high-jacked by people like Al-Faatiha members. This way, even if the Los Angeles-based Women’s Mosque of America survives, the rest of the world may not be too keen to copy them.’ I offered.
‘Yes you are right Bint. Do anything you can to make sure it doesn’t appeal to our people here. But first,  put off your bedside lamp and let us get some sleep.’ He requested, suppressing a yawn.

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