Al-Habibiyyah Foundation trains clerics on anti-corruption

The Just Foundation of the Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society (AIS) has commenced training for Imams and Islamic clerics in Abuja on how to sensitize the public on the fight against corruption in the country. The Executive Director of the Foundation, Imam Fuad Adeyemi said the event shows that religious leaders have practical roles to play in […]

Al-Habibiyyah Foundation trains clerics on anti-corruption
Al-Habibiyyah Foundation trains clerics on anti-corruption

The Just Foundation of the Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society (AIS) has commenced training for Imams and Islamic clerics in Abuja on how to sensitize the public on the fight against corruption in the country.

The Executive Director of the Foundation, Imam Fuad Adeyemi said the event shows that religious leaders have practical roles to play in the anti-corruption efforts.

He said that the Foundation through its anti-corruption Project ‘EAT-FIn (Encouraging Accountability and Transparency through Faith-based Intervention)’ with support from the MacArthur Foundation was out to change the narrative on corruption in Nigeria.

“The importance of the involvement of faith based organisations in the fight against corruption cannot be over-emphasized,” he said.

The programme brought together various Imams and scholars to enlighten participants on their roles to encourage transparency and accountability as part of measures to achieve a just and economically viable nation.

The guest lecturer and Chief Imam of the Fuad Lababidi Central Mosque, Dr. Tajudeen Adigun, urged Muslims to rise against corruption, as all messengers sent by Allah were tasked to fight corruption and injustice in the society.