Alhaji Hassan Ahmad II, Sarkin Nassarwa (May 18, 1935 – November 8, 2018)

Inna Lillahi Wainna Ilaihi Rajiun (To Allah we belong and to HIM we shall return). These are the clear befitting words to describe our irreparable loss of a Father to all, an untiring peacemaker, a staunch disciplinarian, a workaholic per excellence and a bridge builder among communities, cultural diversities and religious persuasions. I was totally […]

Alhaji Hassan Ahmad II, Sarkin Nassarwa (May 18, 1935 – November 8, 2018)
Alhaji Hassan Ahmad II, Sarkin Nassarwa (May 18, 1935 – November 8, 2018)

Inna Lillahi Wainna Ilaihi Rajiun (To Allah we belong and to HIM we shall return). These are the clear befitting words to describe our irreparable loss of a Father to all, an untiring peacemaker, a staunch disciplinarian, a workaholic per excellence and a bridge builder among communities, cultural diversities and religious persuasions. I was totally distraught when I received the news of his demise to the eternal life that we are all destined to reach at the appointed time.

Indeed, our journey on this earth is a temporary sojourn, but its meaning and context lies in the impact one is able to make in the life of others during this temporary residency. Indeed the meaning and usefulness of one’s life is not defined by how long one lives, but what positive impact our live is to others. The human nature by its unique character predisposes that we live and exist courtesy of the positive stride and impactful attitude and actions of other living beings, the big question being, how positively impactful is our live to others that really defines our interwoven humanity and linkage. In the true sense of positive impact, we can say Alhamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen (All Salutations and Praises be to Allah the creator, Sustainer and Nurisher of this World and Others) for the positive and people oriented life and times of Late Alhaji Hassan Ahmad II, Emir of Nassarwa, 2004 – 2018.

He is a father to all as attested to by his subjects, his friends, his family members and close associates and going by the multitude of people that thronged his residence during his burial and after to offer their condolences to his immediate family and loved ones. It is to his credit that many developmental projects and programmes were attracted to his domain in Nassarawa, the most notable of which is the establishment of Federal Polytechnic Nassarawa, the catalyst for economic prosperity and social harmony courtesy of the thousands of employment opportunities provided to Nigerians in general and Nassarawa citizens in particular. Indeed, this single federal institution’s multiplier effect through thousands of indirect employment opportunities provided serve as a living testimony to his being the father of all and sundry.

His uncompromising initiatives for peace and harmony is a test case for emulation by other traditional rulers in Nasarawa State and Nigeria in general due to the lasting peace enjoyed by his community despite religious and ethnic differences. His proactiveness in mitigating potential conflict by calling all stakeholders in his palace for a roundtable discussion, have succeeded in mitigating possible clashes that may have destroyed lives and property, hence destroying the peace and harmony his emirate is known for. In all his public speeches during Sallah and whenever he received visitors, his constant admonition is for people to live in peace and harmony as no meaningful development in any society can be attained in the absence and love and peaceful co-existence. Indeed, only Allah knows what formulae/strategy he used to prevent/settle farmers/herders clashes in his domain that you hardly hear any conflict of such nature.

He is a staunch disciplinarian as all those that worked with him during his working career and family members would attest to this quality of his. He is very organised, hardworking, sticker to time and appointments and detest wastage and mismanagement. For all those that worked with him and his immediate family, your first point of quarrel with him is to display attitude of  laziness or wastage and lack of maintenance culture, it is then you would know his true colour. He is very clean and meticulous in household upkeep that unlike what most civil servants imbibe in lack of maintenance of allocated residences, His Highness always keep his residence clean and tidy to the extent that when ever he is moving to a new residence, he make sure his kids joined in washing completely the residence they are moving out from so that incoming occupants can meet a clean and well maintained house for comfortable dwelling.

My last discussion with him is almost two years ago precisely in November 2016, when I wrote a befitting tribute to his close friend and confidant, Late Alhaji Mahmud Abubakar Rimi, former governor of Old Kano State, now comprising Jigawa and Kano. He asked his son, Dr. Ahmad, Dan Iyan Nassarwa, to call me in person. He thanked me in superlative terms and prayed fervently for me and I remember his words “ You have done the most wonderful thing to me by writing this tribute and this is a personal honour to me being my close friend and confidant. Little did Sarki know that in exactly two years, he would depart this world and meet his friends and ancestors Allah willing in the next world.

May Allah Subhanahu Wataala accept his coming back to him as a true servant that discharged his responsibilities diligently in this world. May Allah forgive his shortcomings and failing and accept all his good deeds and reward him with Jannatil Firdaus Ameen. My condolences goes to his immediate family, the people of Nassarawa emirate and the entire good people of Nassarawa State as a whole.

Nazifi Abdullahi Darma Ph.D.

[email protected]