I am forty eight years old and married for two years now yet no pregnancy. We met a doctor and several tests were done and we were told all is normal. My husband sperm test was  said to be adequate even I did HSG and the tubes were said to be patent. We had been […]


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I am forty eight years old and married for two years now yet no pregnancy. We met a doctor and several tests were done and we were told all is normal. My husband sperm test was  said to be adequate even I did HSG and the tubes were said to be patent. We had been advice to meet frequently which we did, yet no result. Please what do we do? Chinasa, Gwagwalada Abuja.

At the age of forty eight the probability of normal natural pregnancy is very low.

I will recommend invitro fertilization with egg donor for you ( IVF + Egg donor). The limiting factor may be the financial implications.


My Wife had blood pressure in pregnancy and after delivery a week ago, she was given Aldomet tabs. We checked  Her BP Today It Was 130/70mmHg. Should she continue with the drugs? Okechukwu

The best thing is for her to go back to the hospital for the Bp check. Though at that level the doctor is likely to stop the antihypertensive. The common pattern is for the Bp to normalize after delivery usually within the first six weeks.


I am fifty one years old married for five years now but no child yet. The problem is that twice I did pregnancy test and was positive, though the second one was said to be faintly positive. I did scan twice and there was nothing seen please what do I do? Am I really pregnant or what is happening? Anonymous

It’s unlikely you are pregnant. The pregnancy test may be false positive result more so the second result revealed faintly positive. Usually at that age because of high level of LH which has great resemblance in amino acid components with hCG being tested in pregnancy test, it can give a false positive result. The other possibility is gestational trophoblastic disease which is unlikely in this senerio.

The definitive test to resolve it is serum beta hCG (quantitative) test and it’s not so expensive.


I am 16-years-old, always having fluid coming out of my private part. I saw  your number in a newspaper and decided to reach out. Please is there a solution. Faith, Bwari – Abuja.

What is the colour of the discharge? Is it foul smelling? Are you sexually active?

Vaginal discharge at this age should not be taken lightly because of the possibility of chronic PID and the sequel of tubal damage with infertility later. Kindly see a Gynaecologist and do a swab test so that proper and adequate antibiotics can be given.


My wife had operation for delivery ten days ago and have been discharged since. She is still having severe pain and the pain relief drug has finished. I wanted to ask if we could still get more of the pain killer given before or is there alternative?  Ladi, Lokoja

After delivery women could still have pains, in this case from uterine contractions which is a natural physiological process to return it to normal size after the massive enlargement during pregnancy, this pains could be more during sucking by the baby. In case of your wife the Caesarean section could be the source of the pains. But since from your wife’s pains is severe I will suggest you take her back to the doctor for proper examination. Avoid buying drug not prescribed for a breastfeeding mother because there are some drug that are contraindicated in lactating mothers.