America 2020: Trump vs Biden, the Talking Points

The first 2020 Presidential debate between the two frontline candidates of the Republican and Democratic parties kicked off on Tuesday night but not without mixed-reactions from the global audience who stayed awake to listen to what the duo have got to offer if elected. While some analysts termed the debate as historically ugly due to […]

America 2020: Trump vs Biden, the Talking Points

The first 2020 Presidential debate between the two frontline candidates of the Republican and Democratic parties kicked off on Tuesday night but not without mixed-reactions from the global audience who stayed awake to listen to what the duo have got to offer if elected.

While some analysts termed the debate as historically ugly due to personality attacks by the duo, others already pitched tents with either of the candidates who sounded convincing to them.

Below are the talking points of the debate between the incumbent President, Donald Trump of the Republican party and his counterpart, Joe Biden of the Democratic party:

  • The Insults and Interruptions

The debate that was expected to be civil was characterised with insults and interruptions from the two leading candidates.

At one point, the moderator and Fox News anchor, Chris Wallace told President Trump that his campaign team agreed to the rule that both candidates should have two minutes uninterrupted during each section and urged him to abide by it but this didn’t deterred the two from interrupting each other. At some point, Biden retorted to telling Trump to “Shut up” when he was interrupted.

The name-calling was another highlight of the debate as witnessed when both candidates were speaking about healthcare in the country.

“Everything he’s saying here is simply a lie, everybody knows he’s a liar,” Mr Biden said during an exchange about healthcare. He also called Mr Trump “the worst president this country has ever had”.

Trump also returned the salvo saying “There’s nothing smart about you Joe. 47 years, you’ve done nothing.”

  • On White Supremacists

President Trump was asked about the White Supremacists who have been reported to be clashing with the Black Lives Matter Movement but he appeared dodgy.

“He doesn’t want to calm things down,” Mr Biden said, adding that the president wanted to “pour gasoline on the fire”.

Trump on his part said: “Sure I’m willing to do that (condemn the action of White Supremacists) but almost everything I see is from the left-wing.

“I’m willing to do anything. I want to see peace.”

  • “Taxes”

President Trump was asked to respond to a report that he paid $750 in income tax in 2016 as they have always been questions about his tax returns. He responded thus: “I paid millions of dollars in taxes, of income tax.” but Biden interjected saying, “Show us your tax returns.”

  • “Coronavirus”

The two candidates were asked to speak about coronavirus that has killed thousands of Americans.

Here is how the conversation went: “The president has no plan, he hasn’t laid out anything,” Biden said of his opponent, pointing out that 200,000 Americans had died during the pandemic.

Trump on his part said “millions would have died if Biden was in charge” adding that his early action to ban travel from China saved thousands of lives.

The president said his government is “weeks away” from producing a COVID-19 vaccine adding that his administration had done a “great job”.

The second Presidential debate between TTrump and Biden is expected to take place on October while the third one is scheduled for October 22

One debate between the vice presidential candidates is scheduled to take place on October 7, 2020.