Aminu Ibrahim: Tribute to an icon

March 29, 2020 marked the end of the allotted sojourn of Alhaji Muhammad Aminu Ibrahim on earth. To those that have come across this quintessential icon, his departure must obviously be discomfiting. Of course, Aminu could be counted to be among the luckiest mortals to have survived earthly limitations for over eighty years (1938 – […]

Aminu Ibrahim: Tribute to an icon

March 29, 2020 marked the end of the allotted sojourn of Alhaji Muhammad Aminu Ibrahim on earth. To those that have come across this quintessential icon, his departure must obviously be discomfiting. Of course, Aminu could be counted to be among the luckiest mortals to have survived earthly limitations for over eighty years (1938 – 2020). But it is not the number of years spent on earth that matters, it is the level to which the years were deployed for the service to humanity.

Aminu Ibrahim, as he was popularly known, belongs to the golden generation of Nigerians; persevering, patriotic, ambitious, caring and compassionate. And typical of the golden generation, Aminu had the enviable privilege of attending the best schools on offer from the outset. From Dandago Elementary through to the famous Kano Middle School (Rumfa College); to the most famous Barewa College, the late icon couldn’t have had it better. He had subsequently gone ahead to obtain university education at the University of Strathclyde, Scotland – a country reputable for producing quality accountants worldwide.

The chequered trajectory of Aminu’s education formed the basis for his enduring professionalism and service to humanity. As a trained accountant, his pedigree in his chosen path has seen him work in various sectors with remarkable aplomb. His credible professionalism resonates in all spheres of operation either as a consummate employee or a reliable employer and mentor.

From whichever angle one wishes to view late Aminu Ibrahim, the narrative invariably underscores the quantum of regenerative endowment with which he was imbued. From the far north where he hails, through the gates of corporate establishments across Nigeria, the iconic accounting guru is held in high esteem indeed. It was therefore not surprising that he attained the professional qualifications of FCCA and FCA (the highest professional qualifications in UK and Nigeria, respectively).

Our departed icon would go down in history as the first Northern Nigerian on the council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) as a member. He had also served as the 12th Chairman of the then Kano (Kano/Jigawa) District Society of ICAN.

It is unarguably remarkable how the late Aminu related with varied class of people in the society. His unassuming disposition coupled with untrammelled readiness to be of assistance to even the least in the ladder of professionalism was novel. Such an enviable trait had become emblematic of his character traversing many walks of his enduring service. From his sojourn at Barclays Bank of colonial and post-independence era through to his service with the Nigerian Railway Corporation, Arewa Textiles, New Nigerian Newspapers, Kano State Investments and Properties, and to the establishment of his professional firm in 1980 – AMINU IBRAHIM and Co Chartered Accountants, his imprimaturs exuded inimitable ethical finesse.

Characteristic of patriots that put the interests of others before theirs, Late Aminu had calculatingly resolved to be of service and assistance to the lowly and top echelons of the society. By personal choice he decided to reside among the ordinary people, in jettison of the highbrow GRA that people of his class had come to be associated with. He thus evoked the saying that nearer is dearer. And the local people, with whom he lived, remained eternally grateful.

In this period of mourning this professional icon, thoughts ought to be spared to acknowledge his philanthropic attributes with which he was known. He had also been an astute mentor of invaluable significance to many accomplished chartered accountants across ethnic divide in the country. Some of these have risen to prominence exuding ethical predilections with which their indefatigable mentor is known; within and outside the country.

Beside his legendry prowess in his specialty, late Aminu had the unique privilege of serving in various Boards, Committees, and Commissions of Inquiry at both Federal and State levels. He was a participant at the Constituent Assembly that gave birth to the Second Republic (1977). He had also chaired the Nigerian Institute for Oil Palm Research among others. He had indeed paid his dues to his country.

The late Aminu is survived by sixteen children all of whom are graduates in various fields of specialisation. Remarkably, two of his siblings have taken after him professionally. One has attained FCA, while the other has ACCA and ACA. Significantly, the late guru was the first Chartered Accountant from Kano State. The same feat was achieved by his daughter Hajiya Sa’adatu Aminu Ibrahim FCA, who is the first female Chartered Accountant from the state.

Our departed icon had obviously left indelible footprints in various spheres of human endeavour. His professional colleagues among whom were those he had mentored and trained, will treasure his memory. We mourn with his wonderful immediate family. We mourn with his neighbours with whom he had lived in harmony for decades. We mourn with the entire ICAN family of which one of its strong pillars had fallen. We mourn with the good people of Kano State whose illustrious son is gone. The mourning is indeed a collective one of monumental magnitude.

May the soul of late Aminu Ibrahim find abode in Jannatul Firdaus. May we, who he left behind, build on the legacy he had wittingly bequeathed to us and future generation, Amen.

Honourable Nasiru Muhammad FCA, is a Council Member of ICAN and Managing Partner of Nasiru Muhammad and Co. Chartered Accountants and Consultants.

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