Amosun at 64: Still outclassing pedestrian politics

By  Dr Wale Morafa   Sixty-four years today, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, immediate past governor of Ogun State, has maintained an infrequent staying power and relevance, in a characteristically squalid political space. This is worthy of study. You can almost count the number of times Senator Ibikunle Oyelaja Amosun, had granted interviews in his entire 64 […]

Amosun at 64: Still outclassing pedestrian politics

Senator Ibikunle Amosun

By  Dr Wale Morafa


Sixty-four years today, Senator Ibikunle Amosun, immediate past governor of Ogun State, has maintained an infrequent staying power and relevance, in a characteristically squalid political space. This is worthy of study.

You can almost count the number of times Senator Ibikunle Oyelaja Amosun, had granted interviews in his entire 64 years on earth put together. Either as a private citizen, senator or governor – Amosun – by style and personal disposition, prefers to be seen, rather than being heard, in strict deference to that famed public service creed. He does not pander to vain talks and whenever he chooses to speak, it is always issue-based. 

In policy formation, execution and administration, Amosun is usually not at peace with ‘disruptive administrative protocol’, because it stalls real progress and reduces the speed of work, he is wont to reckon. Result is the only language Amosun understands and would stop at nothing to ensure the result is realised, so long he could defend his decision. 

Steely, cautious, deep, strategic, yet, open to progressive inklings, Amosun also boasts an unusually large heart, coupled with native intelligence, which explains why his intimidating political machine remains the only issue, today, in the annals of Ogun State body polity, even though he left office almost three years ago. 

One of the signs that he would never resort to pedestrian or politics of character debate, despite the outcome of the 2019 governorship election in Ogun State – an event he has since put behind him – was the instruction he consciously handed his people, never to attack the government in office and as much, stay away from every form of confrontation, even when so pushed.

This is why the only time you’d ever hear from the Amosun side was when setting the records straight. A lot of deliberate mischiefs had been designed, and particularly orchestrated to draw him out to some cheap, filthy mud fisticuffs, but because he always knew where his traducers were coming from and why such mud was being slung at him or his record at that point in time, he’d rather do the issue debate – pure messaging – and putting the facts out there. 

Needless to say, there had been instances of outright physical provocations and attempts to underwrite his development revolution, which remains the best of its type in the political history of the state, but understanding the fact that “wisdom is profitable to direct”, had always seen Amosun outclass his aimless detractors and devote only to both infrastructure and human capital developments as his only goal.

Thus, when the elders say it takes no time for the truth to catch up with lies, no matter how long such lies had embarked on its journey to nowhere, the fact that other tendencies in Ogun State, today, have suddenly seen the truth and are now comfortable with Amosun to advance the collective progress of the people, underscores this agelong assertion. 

Politics aside, it is already public knowledge that Amosun has written his name in letters of gold and etched his love directly in the hearts of individual indigenes and residents of Ogun State. Although his enemies would love to contest his performance record, it is politics. Their disavowal is evidently borne out of hate for this human train driving against their cave age ideas. 

Particularly worthy of note is how Amosun has continued to assist and position people in different positions in government at the centre. How about the help he has continued to offer to other political actors in the state just so their collective push for the betterment of the people of the state becomes a reality?

A God-fearing devout Muslim, Amosun hardly begrudges anyone and is quick to move on from the past, especially, if those who offend him amend their ways and seek God’s face instead. And where they failed to acknowledge their wrong and redress such, he still moves on, because he understands that holding grudges could equally stifle personal progress.

With the kind of goodwill that hypnotises his support base and awes even his archrivals, Amosun, has maintained a desirable hold, name and admiration of his people, and extended same to the national stable, where he is fast advancing the cause of the Nigerian project in the collective interest.

What, therefore, can we gift such a man on the occasion of his 64th birthday, if not to recognise his human development efforts and continue to pray for long life in good health and surplus for him? One thing is certain, though, Amosun’s work is not done yet – either for Ogun or Nigeria – and whatever life has in stock for him, is definitely sitting pretty in the belly of time and ready to be beckoned for action.

Many congratulations, sir, Ajiri Omo Oye!

Dr Modafa sent this piece from Abeokuta