Amotekun arrests man for having sex with goat

Men of the Ogun State Security Network, alias Amotekun, have arrested an 18-year-old man, Ibrahim Ismaila, for having sexual intercourse with a goat. The Commander of Amotekun in the state, David Akinremi, who disclosed this in Abeokuta on Tuesday, said the suspect was arrested in Ilu-Tuntun Olorunsogo in Ifo LGA. Tambuwal reshuffles cabinet, assigns portfolios […]

Amotekun arrests man for having sex with goat

Men of the Ogun State Security Network, alias Amotekun, have arrested an 18-year-old man, Ibrahim Ismaila, for having sexual intercourse with a goat.

The Commander of Amotekun in the state, David Akinremi, who disclosed this in Abeokuta on Tuesday, said the suspect was arrested in Ilu-Tuntun Olorunsogo in Ifo LGA.

The Amotekun boss said Ibrahim was among 30 suspects arrested for various offences such as robbery, kidnapping, cultism and fraud in the last two months.

According to him, Ibrahim was arrested following an alarm raised by one Jimoh Opeyemi who saw him while he was committing the crime.

He said, “One Jimoh Opeyemi of Ilu-Tuntun Olorunsogo was going to a building site where he works as an iron bender, when he saw the suspect having carnal knowledge of a she-goat.

“He stopped to have a clearer view of the scene and subsequently raised alarm which attracted people, including an operative of Amotekun on neighbourhood patrol. Hence the arrest of the suspect.”