An economic model for development

“Buharism” is a political philosophy, according to the rule of law, due process and have the full support of the masses, aimed to change the way things are done for the better. Before his election as President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari made several promises wherever he goes on campaign with the aim of tackling peculiar […]

An economic model for development
An economic model for development

“Buharism” is a political philosophy, according to the rule of law, due process and have the full support of the masses, aimed to change the way things are done for the better.
Before his election as President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari made several promises wherever he goes on campaign with the aim of tackling peculiar problems of the region.
For instance, the activities of Boko Haram insurgents in the North-East have been degraded.  Thousands of people that have been displaced from the abodes are beginning to return.
Similarly, the problem of cattle rustling in the central parts of Nigeria, have reduced with many rustlers arrested and herds recovered.
Even though the Buhari’s government is seen to have started slowly, the desire at improving the living standard of the people is well in focus. Also, the issue of corruption is been addressed seriously by the government and “politics as usual” is no longer the case. Millions of Naira has been returned and looters are in constant fear.
“Buharism” is a purely honest economic model for developing Nigeria. This is in addition to the austerity measure introduced by the administration for self-check. It is welfarist by nature and has development of the masses as it core agenda.
The economic development of any country is not by any miracle. There was economic planning, then full implementation under close supervision by the government.
Nura Dalhatu Audu, Sabon Gari-Gashua, Yobe State.
Email: [email protected]