An open letter to Plateau State (II)

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor – Desmond Tutu. My dear Plateau State, This is my second letter to you in exactly a week. I beg your indulgence and beseech you to bear with me if I appear moody or petulant. These are not ordinary […]

An open letter to Plateau State (II)

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor – Desmond Tutu.

My dear Plateau State,

This is my second letter to you in exactly a week. I beg your indulgence and beseech you to bear with me if I appear moody or petulant. These are not ordinary or normal times hence my seeming obsession with writing to you because the things happening in, and to, you now, are neither ordinary nor normal. In my first letter I dwelt on you, the relationship between you and I, the sweet memories of my formative years, the joy you brought to many like me and the hideous attempts of the many unscrupulously and outrageously heartless people in and around you to undo and redefine you in garbs that had never been associated with you. I now address this epistle through you to our elders, community and religious leaders and the media.

I begin with the media, the fourth estate of the realm and a terrain about which I can speak not superciliously but authoritatively having devoted some forty (40) years of my earthly sojourn to the practice. Since this is not an academic exercise I will not dwell unnecessarily on the definition of the term media-suffice it to say no society no matter its composition can be united and peaceful, with an abiding faith in the progress of the people in it, if the people themselves do not receive affirmative and correct information about themselves, their leaders/rulers and about what goes on elsewhere especially their immediate surroundings. This is where the media comes in and becomes essential in and to every society. It is important to state here that for the society to reap bountifully, information dissemination must be carried out truthfully and accurately by knowledgeable newsmen with an anticipatory sense of responsibility to societal unity. True, Plateau State has long been victimized by a wide range of upheavals which have threatened its development and long-term viability. Those casting aspersions on the current administration in the state on account of the crises are reminded that the descent into depravity started since the year 2000. How has the media fared in the whole equation? Very poorly in my estimation. I have seen the media used to escalate the crises, I have seen the media used to question the moral values of the people of Plateau State and I have seen it used to cast a pessimistic doubt about the viability of Plateau State. All these create the false impression that the state’s problems are insurmountable. Add to the mix a dose of stereo-typing, half-truths and blatant falsehood and what you get is the picture of a dysfunctional media. This is a negation of its role. The time is therefore now for practitioners to join all well-wishers and the government in clearing the malaises and tendencies which together threaten to redefine the state in garbs alien to it.

To those in leadership positions of any kind-religious, political or communal- my call is for them to shun traits which negate their God-given roles and responsibilities. These traits include selfishness, self-centeredness and imperviousness to reason. When leaders cultivate the habits of intolerance, cynicism and hatred the followership, without a better disposition other than lucre become cynical, abhorrent, disobedient and often times rebellious. Those charged to lead have a responsibility to those they lead. They determine whether we live together as brothers or perish together as fools. What manner of community leader advances the cause of hatred and enmity over that of love and peaceful co-existence? What manner of a cleric preaches violence, decapitation and incineration instead of Godliness, piety and good neighborliness? We have seen innocent people sent to slow, grisly and barbaric deaths because leaders say it is okay to do so, we have seen families suffering from grief and tragedy because leaders see nothing wrong with that and we have witnessed great distaste and hatred for people of other faiths and ethnicities because leaders support and encourage it. This is a colossal betrayal, a monumental aberration and a pact with oppression.

Like I said earlier the upheavals in you, Plateau State, predate the Lalong administration and what a joy to note thankfully the giant strides made in peace building by the administration since 2015. These strides and efforts should and must be complemented by similar efforts from community, political and religious leaders. This, and responsible journalism coupled with journalism of conscience will go a long way in thawing the icy waters of crisis on the Plateau.

I will end this letter with a prayer sent to me by a friend who, like me, has chosen to speak out. He has chosen not to be on the side of the oppressor – “God Almighty! We pray unto You to expose all those involved in planning, executing or supporting the killings in Nigeria no matter how highly placed including the media. We pray that You deny them what they want, expose them and let them experience no peace anywhere in the world and the Hereafter. We pray that You guide those that seek Your guidance and protection and forgive the innocent people killed in all these crises”. Amen.

Yakubu Ibn Mohammed is the Director General, Nigerian Television Authority (NTA)