An open letter to Your Highnesses, Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, and Alhaji Muhammad Sanusi II

Assalam alaikum, I pray that my letter reaches you both in good health and sound mind. I choose to write to you not as your nephew, not as a blue blood, but as a concerned Kano State indigene, and in particular as a Nigerian. Recent events have brought to shame the glorious name of Kano State […]

An open letter to Your Highnesses, Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, and Alhaji Muhammad Sanusi II
An open letter to Your Highnesses, Alhaji Aminu Ado Bayero, and Alhaji Muhammad Sanusi II

Assalam alaikum,

I pray that my letter reaches you both in good health and sound mind. I choose to write to you not as your nephew, not as a blue blood, but as a concerned Kano State indigene, and in particular as a Nigerian.

Recent events have brought to shame the glorious name of Kano State and its royal traditional institution. I know it is the legitimate right of any prince to aspire to be emir; no law stops that. Likewise, it is also the right of an emir to protect his throne by any legal means necessary (whether deposed or removed). However, we must be conscious of the fact that not everyone can be king; we can never have two emirs of Kano at the same time. We have become a laughing stock in the eyes of the world by washing our dirty linens in public.

This battle line which has been drawn by two brothers united both by blood and marriage whose flames are being fanned by selfish politicians for their own personal interest would not augur well for our dear state. When we do this, do we bear in mind that the day of reckoning is fast approaching? Do we remember that we must all stand before Allah SWT to give account of our stewardship here on earth? Why can’t you find it in your hearts to reconcile and end this matter amicably? I want you to remember that an empire that crumbles from within can never rise again.

Who is willing to be the bigger man to end this bitter feud and restore sanity? Governance in Kano is at a standstill because of this impasse. Your actions are threatening the very fabric of Kano State. I remember whenever as kids we visited the late Sarkin Kano of blessed memory, Alhaji Ado Bayero, during our holidays from Lagos, he always emphasised on “zumunci” (kinship and love of one another).

Then, the Magajin Garin Karaye (Hakimin Karaye), Engr Shehu Ahmad Karaye, was tasked with bringing us to visit Takawa after he retired from the fada (palace).

We grew up seeing love for one another contrary to what we observe now, where politicians have come in between brothers and friends since childhood.

I beg you both to sheathe your swords for peace to reign and our dear Kano State to progress.

On this note, I leave you with a famous quote from a famous author: “The sun will shine on those standing before those kneeling.” No one can end this faster than you. May the Almighty Allah bring an end to this quagmire quickly and in peace without further tension and chaos. Ameen.



Abubakar Sabo Aliyu can be reached via [email protected]