RE–“ARSENAL” GENERATION ALIYU ABUBAKAR, NNPC TOWERS, ABUJA: Couldn’t stop laughing after reading how you came under the attack of gunners’ artillery. Amazingly, you thought you could find some solace under Manchester United’s logo, hence the concluding rechristening of your piece to “Re-branding a Man U Generation.” Know what? You are dead, sorry gone, wrong! Ba […]



ALIYU ABUBAKAR, NNPC TOWERS, ABUJA: Couldn’t stop laughing after reading how you came under the attack of gunners’ artillery. Amazingly, you thought you could find some solace under Manchester United’s logo, hence the concluding rechristening of your piece to “Re-branding a Man U Generation.” Know what? You are dead, sorry gone, wrong! Ba cinya ba kafar baya. I mean it never rains, it pours! If you are still confused, now listen to this. Take a closer, microscopic look at Man United’s logo and there you are, face to face with a logo named R-E-D D-E-V-I-L! With a razor sharp, three-edged spear in hand, none can predict the extent of red mischief buried in that devil.

NAFI’U ABDULLAHI ZADAWA, BAUCHI: I didn’t know the matter has reached this stage. I always tell my younger brothers that those European footballers do not care about your shouting on their behalf. Keep it up. May Allah reward you.


N. A. IBRAHIM, ABUJA: You are really gifted and you should thank Allah for that. Your articles really affect me positively and you are my African of the year. May Allah bless you and give you more useful and meaningful knowledge and wisdom. Lastly, may Jannah be your final abode.

ZAINUL ABIDIN: I’m addicted to your column which makes me happy whenever I am bored. This one on experience is another good one. I was once a victim of Internet fraud. Alhamdulillah, experience has taught me a lesson.

ASIBI TABIRNI, ESQ, ABUJA: I look forward to when you will write a book on motivation or on any topic for that matter! It sure will be an excellent read. Your article has motivated me, especially the story about the martial arts student. Keep up the good work. You inspire a lot of your readers.


ATTAHIR ABUBAKAR, NITR, KADUNA: This article should teach us and our leaders a great lesson. Without failure, there is no learning. When someone fails, one picks up and builds upon it. May Allah continue to reward you abundantly.

ABDULLAHI LAMIDO, GOMBE STATE UNIV, GOMBE: Kai Mallam Bala! You have intelligently said the fact with all objectivity. May this article serve as the Great Motivator for you to write more. May Allah albarkate and basirate you the more. Allah barkidin!


ADAMU BELLO MUDE HAMBAGDA, MAIDUGURI: Worthy advice for parents. But what advice will you offer our excellencies? As long as greed and power are in their blood, woe betide Nigeria!

AWWAL ISA: How I wish I were like you, assisting in redirecting the Ummah. I pray that may Almighty Allah strengthen your efforts, give you more wisdom and forgive your shortcomings.

A. ABUBAKAR, ABUJA: I loved that cute, pretty, little praying girl you adorned your article with. Reminds me of a particular child I know.

ADAMU MOHD USMAN, KAFIN-HAUSA, JIGAWA STATE:  The topic is rich, timely and worth emulating. There is no gift from parents to children more precious than good training. It is a divine instruction that parents should teach their children to behave well.

MAHMUD GARBA LAWESO: For all my age, for all my level of education, for all my experience in life, nothing has taught me more lessons in dealing with children like this piece. May Allah continue to guide you. I wish you long life with sound health.

SHAIKH ALKHAMIS IDRIS JASAWI, JOS: May Allah accept this article on raising great children as an act of Ibadah from you.


DR. HABIBU MUHAMMAD, HSMB, GUSAU, ZAMFARA STATE: Wish to aknowledge your efforts in journalistic contributions.The first time I thoroughly read your article was when you wrote about RAGO IN THE ZOO on an Abuja-raised child and now this one. More grease!


BABA BUKAR ALI, MAIDUGURI: I wonder where on earth you get your write-ups! I must commend you. Thanks.

ASK YAKUBU, BAUCHI: Don Allah is that One-Eyed Mom Story true? Is it real life? How he must have felt! I felt for him too, but he deserved it anyway!

Z. A. VISION, ABUJA: Still wiping tears after reading about the One-Eyed Mom!


M. S. SHEHU, BAUCHI: Thought you would share your personal experience you once told us about how your own malarial headache miraculously disappeared when you landed in Egypt for further studies. The major factor militating against malaria control here is our disgraceful environmental filth.

AHMAD ABBA YUSUF, KANO: May the Good Lord help us perish this greatest murderer in history, amin.

MUHAMMAD: Want to ask whether the DDT you mentioned in your article can be obtained and used by an individual?


F. SHEHU: Mallam Bala, I honestly don’t know how you think anything good can work in this country. If they take your advice, it could be the most effective agent of social change, but as corruption is spreading in us like cancer cells, a social security programme would be the last thing on their minds.

ABUBAKAR ISA, DUTSE, JIGAWA STATE: You think our predatory leaders would ever allow a people-oriented policy like as Brazil’s Bolsa Familia see the light of day here?

AHMAD DISINA, AZARE, BAUCHI STATE: It has come to my notice that people are taking a new form of addiction, and the blame is on you. Buying this newspaper has become another addiction because of your column. Since my university days, I could do 0.1.1 meal plan every Saturday just to buy the paper. I volunteer to spread this form of addiction to the public!


YAKUBU MUHAMMAD RIGASA: Thank you very much for remembering Shaikh. I, however, wish to draw your attention to an error: the Panshekara raids by the so-called militants happened few days AFTER and not BEFORE Shaikh Ja’afar’s assassination. May Allah reward you abundantly for this piece and all other educative and enlightening write-ups you so attractively put together in your interesting weekly column which justifies my cover price budget for this newspaper every Saturday.

A.A. GETSO, FREEDOM RADIO, KANO: Rarely miss your column. But you got the timing wrong about the siege by ‘foreign militants’ in Panshekara. It was a few days AFTER, not BEFORE, the murder of Shaikh Ja’afar.

DR. UMAR MODIBBO: I wish to write this email to register my appreciation on your weekly educative and entertaining column. May ALLAH reward you with jannatul firdausi, AMIN.

HABIB NAJJAR FUNTUA, KATSINA STATE: May Allah forgive Shaikh Ja’afar and punish his killers.

ABDULMALIK SANI ZAKIRAI: That was an excellent piece. Barakallahu fina wa fika, wa akalta lahma dairin, wa tazauwajta bi hurun een, amin!

MUNTAKA ABDUL-HADI DABO, ZARIA: May Allah forgive Shaikh Ja’afar and grant him eternal rest. May Allah continue to give the family the fortitude to bear the irreplaceable loss.

SANI AZIZ: Thank you for the Shaikh Ja’afar article. Up till now, nothing has been done by the government to unveil those who were behind the act. May Allah forgive Shaikh Ja’afar.


AYUBA WAKIL ABBA, NGURU, YOBE STATE: Rebranding Nigeria by making Kano a reference was very apt. Continue giving us such educative clues so that we achieve a better Nigeria in the next few years to come. Very impressive!

ABBA MUSTAPHA DAMBATTA: Indeed A Daidaita Sahu is steadily being embraced by the Federal Government of Nigeria in the name of Rebranding Nigeria. But the project lacks spiritual stimulants. I hope you will kindly help them, if they care to seek your hand.

ALIYU DAWOBE, KADUNA: Allah Ya kiyaye Mallam! Thank you for the Rebranding Nigeria article. May Allah bless you, amin.

FINALLY, your choices today from Do you complain because the weather is rainy or thankful that the grass is getting watered for free? Do you grumble about your health or rejoice that you are alive? Do you whine because you have to go to work or shout for joy because you have a job to do? What today will be like is up to you. Have a great Saturday.