And the winner is….Fayose”s neck injury gag sets social media astir

Ekiti governor Ayodele Fayose’s famed neck brace has become a meme ruling parts of the internet. Video edits have emerged of his breaking down and wailing, "I’m pain" mixed to clips of emotional tear-filled eyes, including Beyonce’s. Portions also show outstretched holding an award for performance and roomful of audience, including Morgan Freeman, applauding enthusiastically. […]

And the winner is….Fayose”s neck injury gag sets social media astir
And the winner is….Fayose”s neck injury gag sets social media astir

Ekiti governor Ayodele Fayose’s famed neck brace has become a meme ruling parts of the internet.

Video edits have emerged of his breaking down and wailing, "I’m pain" mixed to clips of emotional tear-filled eyes, including Beyonce’s.

Portions also show outstretched holding an award for performance and roomful of audience, including Morgan Freeman, applauding enthusiastically.

Other users have put on neck braces mimicking Fayose’s injury, and film themselves aping his words.